
Written: 25 july 2024
Travel time: 15 july — 1 august 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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This is not the first time we have stayed in this hotel. There were nuances before, but this time it was just terrible. I didn’t want to write anything, I thought they would somehow listen to the comments, but alas. Let's start with the check-in. They didn't give me a number for a long time. They were freaking out at the reception. As usual, they say, it hasn’t been cleaned yet. Well, that's no problem. OK. Our room is large, two-room. We went into the room, and the room was cleaned disgustingly. A compliment from the hotel to guests who stopped by for the fourth time was an unfortunate one orange, banana and two apricots. Funny. It would be better not to disgrace ourselves and not put anything at all. Oh, and a small bottle of wine. All the fun started the next day. It turned out there was an infection in the hotel. I was very poisoned. Severe diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain that will have to be treated at home, and a temperature of 38.5. We learned from sellers from a separate store that there was a widespread infection. It’s good that I have knowledge in medicine, and I was able to help myself without going to a doctor.
Let's go through cleaning the room. Well, it's really sad. I'll definitely attach a photo. The room is practically not cleaned. They just make the bed. If you have any questions, you need to call and ask them to bring it. I called the minibar at 14:00 to change the drinks. They forgot. I called at 17:30, they changed it at 19:00. They don't bring you a foot towel unless you ask. They bring it every other time. The balcony is not cleaned at all. The windows in our room have probably been washed since they were built. The mattress is very hard. It's impossible to sleep. In the morning my back hurts very much. The pillows are uncomfortable. I have never seen such horror in previous times. Everything is dirty and shabby. The fact that I will not recommend this terrible hotel to anyone is for sure. Well, of course, we definitely won’t come here again. In a word, the hotel has become disgusting. I won’t write anything about food, because after the poisoning I ate broth, boiled potatoes and boiled carrots.
If you want to ruin your vacation at your own expense, welcome. I completely forgot to say about the mud in the sea. Balls and plugs are constantly floating. In a restaurant, waiters used to come up and pour water into a glass, but now no one is interested in you. You'll pour it yourself. A lot of staff are from Kazakhstan. The guys are not trained at all. They walk back and forth. Creates the appearance of work. There was a time during dinner when they pulled a cart up to our table and started unloading the leftover food from the plates of the next table. Well, are you serious? Stand to the side and clean up. I have not stayed in 3-star hotels, I think this hotel belongs specifically to 3. The concept of the hotel has changed significantly.
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