Question about hotel Long Beach Resort Hotel & Spa 5*

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How is the hammam in this hotel?
Where is it better to go to the bathhouse, at the hotel or from the tour operator? Do you know how much the hammam with oil massage costs in this hotel?
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3 subscribers  • asked 2012-09-0412 years ago
Answers  •  3
аватар sent2008
Hamam + peeling + foam massage + general massage + clay mask on the face cost 2 years ago 50 dollars. I didn't like it, because I don’t like the “conveyor” and the most unpleasant thing is that my back was severely skinned during peeling. She explained to the manager that before the vacation she went to the salon and did a professional peeling. We agreed that they would do a coffee peeling, but the attendant abruptly stopped understanding Russian and practically cut off the skin on my back so that I couldn’t enter the sea for 2 days, I was horrified.
аватар 293333
Hamam in the hotel is free. We went there often. There is also a sauna and a steam room. And peeling and massage for a fee. we didn't. We saw how others do it and we didn’t want to.
аватар babenko10
We went both to the local and from the tour operator (Tez). From the tour operator I liked it more and cheaper twice. On the spot $ 60, from the tour operator 30.
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