Question about hotel Arma's Green Fugla Beach 4*

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room and occupancy...
In which cabins is it best to take a room??
And what time do they check in if you arrive early?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-0215 years ago
Answers  •  19
аватар El-ka
When you arrive, please write about the rest, we are flying there on 1.10 with a child of 6 years old, in many reviews it is written about the infection, something is scary (((
аватар kremik
аватар Zlata28
check-in time is officially 14-00
but if at the time of your arrival (before 14-00)
there will be free and prepared rooms
then they may well populate without waiting for 14-00
аватар kremik
What are the best houses?
аватар El-ka
I forgot to write mail [email protected] I will wait for your letter
аватар aksis1990
It’s probably better to have a house away from the zoo and the restaurant ... And check-in usually starts at 2 o’clock ... we also arrived early, somewhere around 9 am ... but we left our luggage in the luggage room, changed into swimsuits and went to the sea, we were immediately put on bracelets, so we could use everything ... we bought, explored the territory and at about an hour they came to the reception and we were immediately handed the keys and 2 remotes.
аватар kremik
aksis1990 why don't you answer in contact ???
аватар aksis1990
I can't get in touch, send me an email
аватар Kuchnenot
we lived in room 2817 - you could see the sea from it :) The rooms in this building are good (...2804-2817...) everything was quiet, no kitchen, no roosters were heard, and close to everything
аватар kremik
We had room 2714 on the 3rd floor. Also overlooking the sea and did not hear the roosters)
аватар sitachka
we want to go 2 adults 2 children (5 and 6 years old) from 17.10 for a week ... we hope for good weather.
Can you tell me if there is an indoor pool? in case of rain. And animation children's club Toucan up to 1.10 (((???
аватар kremik
There is no indoor pool, Toucan doesn't know until what date...
аватар kremik
Although the restaurant seems to have a children's pool with a slide under an awning!
аватар mollo4ko
We eat with a friend and our two children - 10 months and 1.5 years old, tell me how it is with food, strollers or any other nuances.
Thanks in advance, Vika.( [email protected] )
аватар kremik
Answered soap.
аватар Kuchnenot
With food for children, it is tolerable (it all depends on the tastes of your children), strollers are given out if there are free ones, because. there are not many of them. On the 2nd, 3rd floors it is inconvenient to climb with children - steep stairs.
аватар El-ka
Arrived from this hotel on 10/10/10, the toucan club is no longer there, left on 09/30, so during the day you will have to entertain the children yourself, in the evening there is a mini disco for them and that's it.
аватар kleo173
Tell me, in one of the reviews, someone wrote that there is a mosque nearby and that at five in the morning every day it will be impossible to sleep because of loud screams. I'm shocked, right? (
аватар Kuchnenot
the mosque didn’t bother me personally, the neighbors interfered more, but not because they are so violent, but because the walls there are not just cardboard, but probably paper in general ... :)
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