Abou Nawas Monastir 4*– Reviews

Rating 5.510
based on
2 reviews
The hotel is located on the seafront in a beautiful park of 10 hectares. Beach with fine and white sand. 7 km from the center Nearby a golf course with 27 holes and a hippodrome.More →
аватар fks_hkd
There are not many people in the hotel, mostly elderly people. There are practically no Russians, sometimes Ukrainians come across. The food is good, varied, tasty, but you need to get used to their diet. Archery, darts, night club, sunbeds with mattresses - free of charge. The animation show is simple, the music is repeated every evening. … More ▾ There are not many people in the hotel, mostly elderly people. There are practically no Russians, sometimes Ukrainians come across. The food is good, varied, tasty, but you need to get used to their diet. Archery, darts, night club, sunbeds with mattresses - free of charge. The animation show is simple, the music is repeated every evening.
Beach "medium" frequency. There is no indoor pool, the water in the outdoor pool is colder than the sea. The room is spacious, they clean it so-so, depending on your tip, I saw a couple of cockroaches in it, the towel came across torn.
аватар sh_jld
 •  traveled 19 years ago
Rating 6.0
The hotel is quite decent, but not many people. Of all the buildings, only one was filled. There is no TV or fridge in the room. All inclusive only until 00 o'clock, then for money and considerable........... For Russians, if you go to this hotel, then only in a company, since there are only foreigners around - Germans, British, French. … More ▾ The hotel is quite decent, but not many people. Of all the buildings, only one was filled. There is no TV or fridge in the room. All inclusive only until 00 o'clock, then for money and considerable...........
For Russians, if you go to this hotel, then only in a company, since there are only foreigners around - Germans, British, French....Russian language at the level of two words - thank you, hello. All animation in the hotel in three languages ​ ​ - French, English, German. If you don't know languages, you won't understand anything. . . The work of the animation program is good. The whole team is trying, arranges different programs every evening - bingo, cabaret, shows....
Lonely girls have nothing to do there....rested in May - one family vacation....And, in general, all Tunisians are gigolos !! ! with the expectation of finding a richer foreigner... Young girls are interested in them for one night....
Oh, I'm talking about the hotel:
Food - very good. Delicious, tasty, varied.
Service - leaves much to be desired - one bar works - you wait for 5-10 minutes.
But if you are self-sufficient, cheerful, cheerful and resourceful, with knowledge of languages. . . then I think the rest in this hotel suits you!

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Отель расположен на берегу моря среди прекрасного парка в 10 га. Пляж с мелким и белым песком. В 7 км от центра Рядом поле для гольфа на 27 лунок и ипподром.

Location Отель расположен в 7 км от города Монастир. Путь из аэропорта Монастир в отель занимает 5 минут.
Description of the beach Песчаный пляж, зонтики, шезлонги и матрасы на пляже и у бассейна предоставляются бесплатно, полотенца - под залог.
  • 3rd and beyond
  • city ​​beach
  • sand beach
In a hotel

  • открытый бассейн
  • детский бассейн
  • водные развлечения (платно)
  • бар
  • кафе
  • ресторан
  • аэробика (платно)
  • баскетбол (платно)
  • бильярд (платно)
  • верховая езда (платно)
  • волейбол (платно)
  • мини-гольф (платно)
  • настольный теннис (платно)
  • стрельба из лука (платно)
  • теннисные корты (платно)
  • детская площадка
  • детский клуб
  • няня (платно)
  • сауна
  • дискотека
  • ночной клуб
  • развлекательные программы
  • обмен валюты
  • парковка/гараж
  • прачечная/химчистка

  • Description of rooms

    Всего в отеле 314 стандартных номеров.

    In the rooms

  • кондиционер
  • обогреватель в холодное время
  • ванная или душ
  • туалет
  • телефон
  • балкон
  • телевизор и мини-бар по заказу

  • FAQ
    Какой пляж у отеля?
    Отель располагается на 3-й пляжной линии или далее. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчаный пляж.