What is "bad luck" and how to deal with it - 2

20 February 2018 Travel time: with 02 February 2018 on 10 February 2018
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At home, Vadik happily announced that, apparently, he had a crack in his rib! On a forest road, he managed to blindly drive into a hollow, where the highway crosses a stream. Cracked when falling edgewise on a ski pole. Ohohohonyushki! I have 37.5. Gosha also complained of pain in his head and chest. Today he moved out only three times and returned home. I gave him the thermometer - also 37.5. Considering that his normal temperature is 35.5, these 37.5 are absolutely too much! When Goshin's temperature rose to 39.5, Vika ran to the Ambulance, located in the same house from the other end. There she was told that today there was some completely unrealistic number of calls with a high temperature. They gave me some pills and promised to give me an injection if things got worse.

Thank God, it didn't get worse, but it didn't get better either. Gaucher. And in the morning I felt so good that I didn’t even put on a hood. Only a hat. The weather was just bombing! Vadka's rib hurt quite tolerably, and we buried him on the cable car. Two cripples! But subscriptions must be rolled out - no one will return any money. And Gosha stayed at home today - 1200 rubles. down the drain!

There is not a hint of a cloud in the sky! Not a breeze. We decided to climb to the very top. In terms of skiing, there is absolutely nothing interesting here - just a narrow road, and the four-seat rises so slowly!

Everyone comes here solely for the sake of a photo shoot.

Well, freeride fans sometimes go out off the track.

Stunning landscapes open up on all four sides.

Once leafing through some magazine, I came across an amazing photo - a beautiful mountain peak.

In full confidence that this is Dombay, I read the signature - Matterhorn! Are they completely illiterate? It's Belalakaya!

So the local landscapes are no worse than the Alpine ones. Even Elbrus was visible today!

This time we managed to descend as many as 9 times. But my legs were already giving way. And when some teapot without chopsticks knocked me down, I decided that was enough for today. It's already a call! And it was still quite early. And the idea came to my mind - to come home, change shoes, and already without skis, as coats, climb back, just to take a picture of the sunset. Only the borscht has already ended and it would be necessary to cook a new one!

Going into the apartment, we almost choked on saliva! The divine aroma of freshly brewed borsch hit the nose! Poor ailing Gosh found the strength in himself and bungled this miracle, which allowed us to go wandering around with a clear conscience. But pre-fortified.

It's strange to feel like a coat man! No hundredweight shackles on my legs, no skis weigh down my delicate girlish shoulders! Somehow this is wrong! But it's so easy!

We did not make it to the very top - the four-seat chair seemed to be spinning, however, the cable-carriers yelled into the mouthpiece so that everyone would go down. We trampled on the site - the sun is still quite high.

So you can freeze! We decided to go down. Sunset and from the chair can be removed.

I've never gone downstairs in a six-seat!


In the evening, there were more patients in our infirmary - Misha also felt bad and had a fever. Yes, it was necessary to immediately finish me off, or, alternatively, isolate me. Only all those present, including me, according to their statements, have not had a cold for a hundred years. How to deal with bacilli managed to forget, who knew. Only Vasya had some kind of medicine with him, and he almost didn’t get sick - just a little snot. Now he honed his skills as a nurse on Mishka.

In the morning, Vasya went to pick up the next batch of three-day ski passes. But I have already bought only two - Vadik and I were still valid today, Gosha and Misha dropped out of the number of skiers, and Vika decided to ski for half a day. To be honest, that was enough!

No matter how much we were in a hurry today, we didn’t make it to the Velvet again - someone gets up before us! Stayed on the edge of the road.

This year the snow is in perfect order, except that the snowcats go out into the fields only once a day.

We drove along the new track. Yesterday it was closed - avalanches were shot. Well, it's blue-blue. Children are taught on it.

But picturesque. Moreover, they piled up a whole parapet of snow.

Today we managed to descend as many as 12 times. Let's go for the record! It's a pity that we'll be leaving soon. Cloudy weather is predicted for tomorrow, so we won't go skating.

Poor Misha continues to get sick, leaving the bedroom only to drink tea and gargle. According to him, in these couple of days he drank as much tea as in his entire previous life. Oleg's throat began to hurt, but he sprinkled it with my pro-ambassador and it all went away. And only Vadik and Vika were absolutely healthy. What is the secret? Vika does not drink alcohol at all, but she does yoga. Vadik, on the contrary, picked up the banner of alcoholism from Mishka's weakened hands and drank more than anyone else. And he never did yoga, no matter how much I fought over him. He must have just developed immunity to me.

Oddly enough, the forecasters were right, and it was really overcast. Vasya and Oleg went skating, Misha stayed at home to get sick, and the four of us went for a walk. There are not many places to play here. We have already been to Russian, so we went to the Devil's Mill. But then an aunt who came out of the house scammed us for 100 rubles, and even ordered us to walk only to the bridge.

After ten meters we were stopped again, this time by a border guard who asked where we were going? I told him that we are paid! Oh, how offended he was! Did he ask about money? And in general, we paid the money to the forester, and he is a border guard!

The talkative Gosha intervened in our conversation. It would be better if he kept quiet! Being the closest acquaintance with him, Oleg immediately warned us not to start talking about politics in any case. And on the road, at one of the technical stops, Vasya tearfully begged us to make an exchange for any of our crew members. Gosh, according to him, simply shook him with an incredible amount of scary stories about road accidents, traffic cops, etc.

And now Gosha, for some reason, began to tell the border guard that we were from Ukraine. He decided to be vigilant, scored Goshin's phone and promised to come in the evening to check how and where we live. And I gloatingly thought to myself: “Come on! Enough bacilli for everyone! »

Finally managed to get rid of. Pay the money, and they will fool your head! And to go to the bridge - just nothing. We used to walk much further into the gorge, and no one cared. So what, what is an avalanche risk? It's beautiful!

Having contented ourselves with a rather short walk to the snow-covered bridge, we went back. And the time is still quite early. Where else would you go? There was nothing left but to walk around the village and go down the highway in the direction of Teberda. Vadik still remembers the times when there was only one hotel "Dombay" and a tent camp. And now so much has been built! What for? Walking in the evenings, we noticed that one or a couple of windows are lit in hotels. In cafes, the situation is similar - one or two tables are occupied. Where do all the people from the slope go? There are quite a few of them, we think. It could be smaller. There seems to be a lot of trails, but, whatever one may say, there is only one roll-out - all the trails converge, in the end, into one - to the lower station of the six-seat. Most of the people ride here. There are, of course, old chair lifts, which are cheaper, but few people ride them. You can still ride down the forest, but this is only in snowy years. There were no guns, and no!

In general, housing and cafes have been set up so much that there won't be enough skiers! But people tried! There are such elegant houses!

And from every cafe it smells so insanely of Caucasian cuisine! But there are no people! Or are they all as poor as we are, who live in five-story buildings? And do they cook? Don't know. At the oldest hotel in the village "Dombay" I saw a price tag - 500 rubles per person. Looks like it's cheap!

In general, the village has a rather unkempt appearance. Lots of unfinished buildings with "For Sale" signs. There is a suspicion that no one will ever finish building them, let alone buy them. Here rises an odorobalo, built back in the time of the Union of one of the Union republics.

The Union collapsed, the republic was not up to Dombay. The building was abandoned. So it sticks out, spoiling the landscape. Dismantling it is now more expensive than it was to build. And the eternal layer of ice on the sidewalks! But the mountains are amazing. You won't spoil them!

Leaving the village, we went down the serpentine. Recently, we walked almost along the same road. Only sometimes there were palm trees. And here are the frozen waterfalls.

And, lo and behold! Butterfly on asphalt! True, it's cold. But where did she come from?

Returning to the village, we met our most sick today - Misha. He went to the market to buy a couple more skins with the money he had saved. A bad example is contagious - we bought too.

Saturday. Departure day. But this is after lunch. And in the morning - ride! This time we made it to velvet.

The first three times we moved out almost completely alone. Then they woke up, they came in large numbers! A terrible line formed on the lift, into which you fly through a narrow roll-out. The dosochniks, holding their shells in their hands, quarrel with the skiers, who are in no hurry to take off their skis. There was no free space for the legs - more and more new skis were wedged into each crack. Moreover, one of the turnstiles broke. I had to lose in line (if you can call it a chaotic crowd of people) for 10-15 minutes. But we managed to do 10 descents before 13.00.

At home they quickly sipped borscht and loaded Oleg's car in record time. Vasya and his company decided to go the next day. They don't need to work. Well, good! There is someone to throw off the cleaning of the apartment! And you don't have to wait for anyone.

Well, we had a rest! As noted by all participants in the race, this has never happened before! Well, what do you really want? I was the youngest in the group. The rest were older than me from 6 to 12 years. Gathering of seniors. The age is approaching, which can be described in three words - kefir, klistir, toilet. And we're still laughing.

Whatever it was, but the way home was many times easier.

We passed the Rostov section at night. Perhaps that is why we managed to avoid traffic jams. Or maybe just the limit of bad luck has been exhausted. After 24.5 hours we were at home. Last year it seemed oh so much! But, compared to a 31-hour journey, these are already trifles!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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