What is "bad luck" and how to deal with it

16 February 2018 Travel time: with 02 February 2018 on 10 February 2018
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We didn't plan to go skiing this year. There was no money or vacation for this. And then, overnight, somehow everything was formed - both vacation and funds. Verka's husband had only to hint that he was ready, no matter what, to go like last year.


Mishan was also all for it! Don't kill his car! The owner of the Dombay apartment, however, as a payment, requested to repair the electric stove. Well, where to go? Cook on it yourself.

And now, a week before the proposed trip, Vadik and I are sitting at the dacha and looking forward to the future vacation, dreamily drinking beer by the fireplace. And then Oleg calls and simply stuns us with the news - there are still applicants for living in an apartment! How? Who? Where? We didn't agree!

I did not have a chance to communicate closely with his wife. Once she asked to come with us to the New World, but as soon as she saw naked people on our beach, Vika grabbed her two teenage children and fled to live in Sudak. Therefore, I got the impression of her as some kind of puritan.

Well, with the third member of the group, Vasya, I hardly knew each other - we met several times at a joint drunkenness under the plausible pretext of celebrating the self-proclaimed Skier's Day.

After indignant for the sake of order, I calmed down and resigned myself to the inevitability. The apartment is big, and 20 people went there at the same time. The question is different - how to feed such a gang? If you break into 2 tribes, then conflicts over the sequence of using the stove are inevitable. We'll have to unite. To do this, you need to conclude a non-aggression pact with Vika, since the men still do not decide anything.

She called me herself, and we agreed that our group would simply buy food twice as much as planned, and we would eat together. She offered to take preparations for borscht from home, but I said that this was superfluous, we would cook everything on the spot. Personally, I don't have time to do this before leaving.

Last time we left early in the morning on Saturday. But this time, Vasya made his own adjustments, and decided to leave immediately after work on Friday. Hours at 5. Then it was ordered to get together at 4. We, like fools, asked for leave from work, in a hurry... So what? As a result, we had to wait for the second car driven by Vasya for about an hour. But it was assumed that Vasya, as a villager, knows all the exits, roads and country roads. He will lead us to the border by the shortest paths. On this I calmed down, and did not begin to engage in navigation maps. Yes, and I had no time. Barely found time to pump up the music. But if earlier I did it without problems, now I had to sweat a lot. With grief in half I found a site where you could choose from what was available.

Our friendly crew plunged into Oleg's car and, to the accompaniment of the beginning of the rain, we set off. Rain on the road is good! They say it's a good omen. Only visibility is lousy. Yes, it's already dark. We went to the Donetsk highway. We waited under the bridge for the second car, shifted some of the beer to them - what if the border guards get to the bottom?

Dashingly turning around, Vasya rushed somewhere into the darkness. We didn't have time to bark before his car was out of sight. The rain stopped, but such a thick fog descended that it was no longer visible two meters away. Vasya was waiting for us at the crossroads. Thank God I figured it out! So we played catch-up for a while. And then, after waiting for us once again, Vasya got out of the car and approached ours. “Where are we? - asks. At first I just went nuts, and then I began to laugh! “Where have you taken us, Susanin the hero? Who knows, I'm here for the first time! “Somehow it worked out. The boys stared blankly at him, and Vasya continued as if nothing had happened - “Do you have cards? » Well, yes, cards...

And we climbed for our gadgets. Maps mi in my phone showed just a map. When trying to zoom in, he started downloading something, but he was sorely lacking in memory. Oleg's last year's gadget with cracked glass refused to work at all. And only from Mishka's phone we were able to achieve something. In addition, Oleg had a list of settlements through which we must proceed. Someone sketched out this route for him, which, in comparison with last year, was 30 km longer, however, the roads here were a little less killed. Since we have now become more important, our small caravan was headed by Oleg's car, and Vasya had to drag in the tail. Looking back one day, I found that we were surrounded by absolute darkness - no traces of headlights! Where has this Vasya gone? They began to call - stupid Kyivstar does not catch! It’s good that my MTS turned out to be on top. Calling Vika, who also preferred this operator, I asked to pass the phone to Vasya. After listening to a little mats, I gave Oleg to listen to the end. We're wasting time. I am angry. It turned out that Vasya adheres to the theory (in my opinion, very controversial) that you need to drink a tank of water a day. Accordingly, the number of technical stops the second crew had to do many times more than ours, who did not suffer from dry land.

Slowly but surely, we moved towards the state border. Despite the longer route, frequent stops to pee, the most disgusting visibility, and then the absolute skating rink under the wheels, we reached the border in 13 hours (against 12 last year). It was 6 am. At the border, as in the past year, almost no one was there. Bored border guards slowly wandered from booth to booth. If only the road was sprinkled with something, or what? The entrance was at a significant slope and covered with a thick layer of ice, which no one cared about. However, as before us with our luggage. Without the slightest delay, we proceeded to the territory of the neighboring state. The local customs officer carefully examined the trunk and interior. Even looked in my backpack. However, he did not find anything. Apparently he wanted to. We did not hide anything on purpose - we just randomly scattered all the packages of groceries around the trunk. And in my backpack was a three-liter pillow with Artyomovsk wine. But he didn't find her either. So, our smuggled lard-meat-sausage-potatoes-beer-etc slipped through quietly. But with the import of vehicles, everything turned out to be much sadder. Vasya, who again found himself in front of the father, managed to fill out the declaration correctly the second time. And things were even tighter for Oleg. A couple of times he was wrapped up, and when he carried the declaration for the third time, the shift change began. As a result, we spent a little more than 2 hours at the border.

At the beginning of the ninth morning, we finally continued on our way. Well, we think, now we’ll rush along the M-4 and make up for lost time! Dreaming! Last year we crossed this section of the road at night, and there were not only few cars, but somehow not so much. And now it was a white day, and the track was literally packed with trucks and all sorts of other trucks. And all would be nothing - three lanes in one direction. Go and rejoice! That's just the track for the year killed in absolute trash! Presh yourself 110, not expecting a dirty trick, and then - bam! Such a hole, what to leave the wheel there - like two fingers on the asphalt! It was good that it was light, and we managed to maneuver somehow. And some people are not so lucky. On the way, we witnessed terrible accidents, and all involving trucks - soft-boiled cabins! A bridge was torn off from one car, which was lying several hundred meters from it. Accidents were accompanied by terrible traffic jams, in which we lost several hours.

Somehow we got to Rostov. The impatient Vasya, who had been following us all this time, could not stand it and pulled ahead, immediately losing sight of us. Well, how not to swear here? However, he was waiting for us at the junction, at which Mishan, who was driving at that time, could not turn in the right direction - his trucks were jammed and squeezed into another turn (this is how he justified himself). We had to drive into the parking lot of the hypermarket to try to contact Vasya. We had 2 Russian sims, but we had both of them. No one bothered to give one of them to the second crew in advance. I had to call through roaming. Vasya's wife, who stayed at home, picked up the phone, since Vasya did not pick up this phone. Then they called Vikin's number. We listened to Vasya's mats. We agreed to meet at some gas station near some Samara. After that, with difficulty finding the right turn, we stopped at the bridge. Iiiiiii… we got stuck in a traffic jam again!

We stand behind a line of trucks. Sometimes we crawl. On the right, we are overtaken by cars, one or two, or even in whole groups. Mishan, sitting behind the wheel, tells us: “Just imagine what the rest of them think about them? ". I'm sorry, what! Personally, I think what good fellows! Not like us, suckers! Decent Mishan trudged along the left lane for some time, but even the indecisive Oleg ordered him to taxi out of the queue and follow the cars. Maybe the left lane is exclusively for trucks?

This line moved faster. But not much. Particularly smart began to overtake even more to the right, forming a third line. But the laws of nature cannot be deceived! And the neighboring queue will still move faster! Therefore, castles were periodically made from one band to another and back. We no longer twitched and rode in the middle lane. And the cause of the traffic jam, this time, was not an accident at all (thank God! ), but a road repair. But to be honest, we were so tired that it was little consolation.

Finally, we got out of the traffic jam. The farther from Rostov, the fewer cars. But where is Vasya? We have already passed Samara, but they were not met. And then a text message arrives: “We are driving on a toll road. We meet in Dombai. The poet's soul could not bear it! The toll road is already very close. With their number of stops, we will catch up with them!

In this section, the road was repaired everywhere and thoroughly. There were special traffic lights regulating the flow of oncoming traffic. There were no more traffic jams or accidents. The paid site cost as much as 50 rubles per car! I would even pay more. Too bad it's pretty short.

I'm unthinkably tired. Moreover, I was constantly lacking oxygen. There was an exhaust stench in the cabin - either from its own engine, or from other cars. I occasionally open the window to let in some fresh air. Then I managed to doze off a bit. And when I woke up already in Cherkessk, I saw a car overtaking us and recognized ours in it. Vasya stopped and, getting out of the car, headed towards us. I got angry again. Well, why stop again? We are glad to see you too! So we'll never get there!

Misha also got out of the car to talk to Vasya. And then a traffic cop appeared from somewhere behind. And where did this one come from? Vasya dragged on the tail? I was just furious, not understanding the situation while awake, and blamed the ill-fated Vasya for everything. And this is what turned out. Misha did not notice the additional section of the traffic light with an arrow and drove to the left when just a green light lit up, allowing him to go straight. And no wonder! How can you see it at night? It just needs to be KNOWN. Misha didn't know. And the greedy Circassian gays use this insolently. They sit and wait for their sucker. We waited! Chased after us, quietly, without flashing lights. And then we stopped! Misha had to part with the five-hat. Initially, they demanded a piece, but even here Misha managed to find some kind of mutual friend, the mention of which allowed him to bring down the price.

We drove further without incident. The road was perfectly lit and absolutely dry. Only Vasya again disappeared somewhere.

When we finally drove into Dombay, it was ten minutes to midnight. We drove 31 hours! Mind you can go! But how did you get in! Out of almost 200 tracks pumped up by me, the song “Black Eyes” started playing at that very moment. I first heard it here, in Dombay, in 2005. A year later, I was surprised to learn that this song won first place in the Golden Gramophone! And I thought it was a purely local song.

The passengers of Vasya's car, led by the driver, were already trampling under the entrance to the apartment (we have the keys). And where did they go?

Unloading my belongings took the last of my strength. Taking our bag, I headed to the bedroom we usually occupied and quickly made the bed. And then Vasya comes in and declares that the second married couple should also be settled in the same room! I could hardly restrain myself from sending it. But it seems that people are intelligent (in some places)! So I just put my hands on my hips and said loudly: “Great idea you came up with! And there was so much anger accumulated at Vasya in my voice that he instantly realized that he was wrong. The apartment had one more bedroom, where I assumed Gosha and Vika would live. And a trinity of single men could perfectly sit in a huge hall on two large sofas. However, Mishan had a different opinion on this matter. He used to live in that bedroom. Therefore, just like me, I silently brought my things into the second bedroom.

I didn't care at all how they would resolve this issue. I just fell off my feet, and even my throat began to tickle, as I thought, from exhaust gases.

And the placement happened as follows: Mishan let Vasya into his bedroom, Vika and Gosha settled down on one sofa in the hall, and Oleg on the other. Then we giggled that everyone's personal life was arranged, except for Oleg.

Having finally settled the territorial issues, we sat down to relieve stress. But no one had any strength left, so they didn’t stay long and at half past one they spread to the rookeries.

The next morning I woke up completely broken. Sore throat turned into pain in the bronchi. Hello - we've arrived!

Vika and Gosha were cooking borscht. They did not listen to me and took the same homemade preparation. Here are the good guys!

We didn’t have to cook breakfast today - we took so many snacks from home for the road that we finished eating for a couple of days. And it’s a sin, besides vodka! For some reason, I didn't feel like drinking at all. And Vika, as it turned out, does not drink at all. Exactly, puritan! Vasya refused to drink our moonshine, saying that he only drinks his own preparation. Everyone else cooks it wrong! But for some reason he did not take his natural product, but brought three bottles of expensive apricot vodka, which he used.

I wasn't going to ride today. Vadik, respectively, too. The weather was not so hot - overcast. I wanted to walk to the Russian glade, where I had never been. I was even ready to pay a hundred rubles each, which they demanded from us last year. Mishan decided to go with us - he had a good drink at breakfast, and he was already scrapped to put on his skis.

And the rest of the crazy skiers gathered to ski the afternoon. Oh well!

Taking an eggplant with alcohol infused with lemon peels and boutiques, we went for a walk.

I didn't feel very well and could hardly drag my legs, but what is the best medicine for me? Fresh air, of course!

No one took money from us for the passage to Russkaya, but we solemnly promised the forester that we would not walk far. I thought I wouldn't make it, I was so weak. But somehow it got there. The glade is called Russian because many birches grow there. And so, a clearing, like a clearing. Nothing remarkable.

In the Russian meadow

What they take 100 rubles for is completely incomprehensible. Somewhere further there was a waterfall and I might even have reached it, but there was a border guard booth and a sign that you can only pass through with a pass. I'm not sure that someone was in the booth, but they did not tempt fate. We went back, periodically applying to the eggplant. I thought alcohol would cure my sore throat. Fig! At home, I got really sick. Bones broke. I rummaged through the nightstands and found a thermometer. 38! Both on! I was completely unprepared for this turn! I don't even remember when I had such a temperature!

I took out an old cosmetic bag that served as my first aid kit. Old, old bag of Theraflu, a few blue capsules, supposedly paracetamol. The foil on the package broke, and the capsules spilled out, and I threw out the package a couple of years ago. But like, it was him. A piece of bandage and a cotton pad. Not much ! Okay! It will just pass. Having sipped borscht without appetite, she crawled under the covers. Vadik ordered me to cook mulled wine.

The skiers have returned. Frozen like zucchini. There was a crazy wind at the top. But still, they looked happy. Crazy!

They enjoyed the warmth, hot borscht with bacon and moonshine, and I drank my mulled wine under the covers. Did not help. I didn't sweat and my temperature didn't drop. In the morning tonsils were added to the bronchi. Before, when I was still sick with every conceivable sore, everything happened the other way around. At first there was a sore throat, and only then it gradually turned into bronchitis. And now everything is somehow strange. But I had a cure for tonsils! When I went on the info tour, I also tried to get a sore throat. But I bought a pro-ambassador in Uzhgorod in time, which saved me then. And now he was with me! Splattered her throat. She shuddered. Gotta have a bite! I took my temperature - 38.5.

Vasya was somewhat snotty in the morning. He felt such sympathy for me that he gave me his mukaltin, some homeopathic drops and a throat rinse, and also took out some kind of tricky device and began to treat me with it. What a kind person he is! And I, the swine, was so angry with him. I was extremely ashamed!

Vasya also ran to the ski lift and agreed with some huckster for cheap ski passes. Last year we bought day passes for 1300. And this shady businessman had no day passes. Were only for 3 days, but for 1200. As you understand, I was in flight today. And Vadika didn't let her go anywhere - the weather was even worse than yesterday. It was raining in the village. And the rest fools bought. And they left. And we stayed. With nothing to do, they prepared a vinaigrette.

The crazy skiers returned in the evening. Wet, chilled, but happy. Of course, there was no rain on the slope. But there was snow. And wind. And zero visibility. Here is happiness!

I'm already 39. And tomorrow they promise the sun. Am I here to get sick? I drank the alleged paracetamol, two capsules at once. There was no fever in the morning. Almost. 37 total. But my throat hurt like hell. The ambassador didn't help. And where did I manage to catch such a thermonuclear virus? The promised sun is outside. To be sure, I drank two more paracetamolins. I found in my bag a piece of paper with the phone of last year's huckster. I'm calling from Vasya's phone. And what do you think? The name of yesterday's dealer, from whom Vasya bought subscriptions, is displayed. Only this year, for some reason, he called himself differently than last year. Encrypted!

Crawled out of the house. Ski on your shoulder. How heavy are they! This year, I was rented skis at home more abruptly than my relatives. I grew out of mine a long time ago. My level of skating did not match them in any way. But how heavy are they? And the attraction "stay alive" began. To get to the lift, you need to overcome a kilometer on an icy road going downhill. Believe me, it is very difficult to do this in ski boots. By the time I reached the cable car, I was so tired that it was time to return. Vika and Oleg acted cunningly - they walked in sneakers, carrying boots in addition to skis, and then changed their shoes. Sneakers, on the other hand, were put in a backpack and so they rode all day. No, it's better to endure a kilometer there, a kilometer back, than to carry a parachute behind your back for several hours.

Even though it was sunny, I had to put on a hateful hat - I'm like, uh bin sick! And when we climbed on a six-chair, I also pulled on the hood - I was so uncomfortable. But it was still fun to ride!

The sickest person in the world

When we went down 6 times, Vadik got tired and said that he would sit and rest, and then decide whether to ride again or go home. I went upstairs, went down - Vadik is gone! I'm waiting. No Vadik! I have already begun to worry. And then I see Oleg approaching, holding our backpack in his hand! My heart skipped a beat! God, what happened? But, thank God, everything was all right, just Vadik and Mishan decided to go home and turned onto a forest road, giving a backpack with mulled wine to Oleg, who turned up by the way.

I finished my mulled wine. The weather began to deteriorate.

I went down one more time and also felt that I had had enough. She turned into the forest.

Vasya caught up with me, and together we continued our way home.

To be continued.

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