The long-awaited pokotushki

17 February 2017 Travel time: with 04 February 2017 on 11 February 2017
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For various reasons, we missed two ski seasons. Life passes by! We have to go! And where? Europe does not shine for us. I don't want to go to Bukovel. And we really want the gray heart of the Caucasus. But Georgia, though enticing, is expensive. An acquaintance left a huge three-room apartment in Dombai. We, among others, poor and not very, relatives, for several seasons received a high will to live there (of course, for free). The apartment was almost never empty. That was then. Before.

When it all started, the road to the Caucasus was cut off for us. But no matter what, life is not over. And characteristically, we continue to love what we loved before. And love requires satisfaction. Gradually, the people began to travel again in Prielbrus and Dombay with Archiz, but a much longer and inconvenient route. So we decided.

Having received good from the owner of the apartment (God bless him with health and all sorts of benefits) and persuaded Verka's husband Oleg to go by his car, they began to look for another companion to reduce the cost of travel. And we found it easily. He turned out to be Myshko, not as close to us as Oleg, but still a friend. But he was closer to the running boss. And the second driver will not bother us. Vadik and I are not taken into account. Vadik because of poor eyesight, and I - because of inexperience.

And the meeting began. After talking to people who have recently returned from there, as well as studying the topic on the Internet, they received disappointing information. According to some sources, products are selected at the border: half from our side and the rest from Russia. Others said that, having paid 200 hryvnias and 500 rubles, respectively, they transported everything. What to do? Buying everything in Dombay is not an option. The resort, however, with resort prices. It has always been so. Buy somewhere in Rostov? It's time, and still a lot of money.

Redeem at the border? Disgusting. In the end, they decided to take a risk. We took everything with us - meat, lard, sausage, minced meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables, canned food, chocolate, coffee, tea, pasta, cereals, beer and moonshine. Spent a little more than a thousand hryvnia. The trunk was jammed. Skis tied to the roof. I didn't like it. We will attract extra attention. But what to do?

At the same time with us, as it turned out, other acquaintances were also going to go with a large company, but not to Dombay, but to Archiz, which is almost nearby. Oleg first wanted to go with them in a column, because the guys know the way. But they probably like to sleep, and were going to leave at dawn. We were not very happy with it. When Mishanya said he knew the way, Igor decided not to become attached to them. In addition, he had a list of settlements that we must pass.

We left at exactly five in the morning.

In order not to tease the geese, we decided to say at the checkpoints that we were going to Kharkiv.

To tell the truth, you can run into the human factor. However, in my opinion, this version did not withstand any criticism. There seems to be a slide in Kharkiv. But, in my opinion, it is not worth it to go so far for her sake. At the first checkpoint, seeing our skis, we were asked differently than “And where are we going? After hearing about Kharkiv, to my surprise, no additional questions were asked.

As for the normal route, we reached Volnovakha. Oleg had little idea where to go next. When he turned right at the crossroads, Myshko said nothing. After a while it became clear that we were not going there. "Misha, why didn't you say you had to turn left? " "To which the phlegmatic Myshko calmly replied that Oleg was driving so confidently that he thought he knew the road.

It was still quite dark, but there were already people at the stop who asked us for directions to Velyka Novosilka. But it could not go on like this, we wasted no time.

Oleg got either a phone or some other Asus gadget with cracked glass. At one time he bought it for his son. His son thundered safely. Oleg bought him a new one, and he was lying at home. Oleg asked his son to upload maps there so that we could use him as a navigator. Vanya pumped something there. Passing this miracle of technology to me, the driver said: "Ira, understand! "Well, they found the extreme! Like the heroine of Krylov's fable "The Monkey and the Glasses", I twisted it in my hands and gave it to Vadik - Vadik, understand! Vadik dealt with the grief in half. It was more fun. My aunt in the navigator told us where and when to return.

It's raining. And overboard - minus one. The road was in places.

It was more like a solid pit covered with ice. We crawled at an average speed of just over forty. And where are these GAI officers with radars? Why not catch for excess?

We were overtaken by a minibus with the guys who were going to Archiz. The driver, not sparing the suspension, whistled forward. And we were going to follow them!

We passed Kostiantynivka, Krasnoarmeysk (now Pokrovsk), Artemivsk (now Bakhmut). Gloomy, unremarkable cities. Mariupol, compared to them, is just a paradise bush. And our roads are much better. On the occasion of either Saturday or disgusting weather, the track (if you can call it that) was completely empty. There were few idiots besides us. Mostly military, police or OSCE vehicles. But there were whole herds of pheasants! We have them too. But I did not have to see more than two individuals at the same time.

Here on the road they grazed whole broods - a few chickens and a rooster. And they were in no hurry to fly away. Sometimes I had to signal not to knock down. You could put a sign "Be careful, pheasants! »

In some places there were pine forests, however, plantations.

The trees grew in strict rows. But it was still good. The rain stopped. We passed the city of Starobilsk. A few kilometers behind him I saw the sign "Chmyrivka". Something moved in my memory. "At half past ten from the north-west, from the village of Chmarivka, a young man of twenty-eight entered Stargorod. A homeless man ran after him ...”All right! Is this the place? If it weren't for the war, I would never have been here! Unfortunately, it was not possible to see the city in more detail.

In order not to get bored of the boring road, fables were teased. Micha told such a story. On the way to the Caucasus, they stopped for a snack.

Spread the products on the hood, cut green salted tomatoes, sprinkle them with onions and herbs, pour oil… Have a snack. Tomatoes seemed strange to them. It turned out later that the driver had confused the bottles with sunflower oil and brake! Oleg allowed himself to doubt the veracity of the story. Like, how can that be?

How could this be confused? To which I told my story. Once upon a time, a long time ago, when I fell in love again, I was sitting near the dressing table, all so enchanted, thinking hard about something. In the process of reflection, I decided to wipe my face with lotion. She took out a bottle, soaked the fleece and began to tinker with it on her face. After a while, a suspicious odor coming from the fleece took me out of my mind. Looking at the bottle, I found that I had confused the lotion with acetone. Surprisingly, the snout did not peel off.

Slowly but surely we approached the state border.

The version about Kharkiv no longer has a channel. Now we have said that we are going to Georgia. Acquaintances called us, who were ahead of us, saying that it was snowing twenty kilometers from the border. But when we arrived, there was no more snow. We covered the distance of 500 km in 12 hours! The checkpoint was somewhat vague. We even drove past at first. I had to return.

There was only one car in front of us. The customs officer asked to open the trunk. Oleg opened. Seeing Vadkin's huge ski boot lying on top, he ordered to close the trunk.

On the Russian side also limited to a cursory glance at the contents of the trunk. It took a long time to fill out a declaration for the import of a vehicle. Whatever it was, but the whole procedure of passing both customs took us a little over an hour. Very nice!

No riots, no questions about the number of imported and exported rubles by Ukrainian customs officers, no close examinations of a person's face with a careful examination of the pages of the passport by Russian border guards and other atrocities inherent in the Crimean customs. Whether the human factor we found normal. Or just lucky. What difference does it make to me? We slipped through with all our forbidden foods.

Abroad, things were more fun. There is a road.

Clean, lighted, with pointers. Vanka failed to inflate foreign cards. But they are, in principle, not needed. Leaving on the M-4 highway, they drove at a crazy speed of 90 km / h. It was raining again. The track, despite the late hour, was very busy.

I was wildly scared, screaming every time the driver tried to go around not so rare pits, and sat, clutching a dead grip on the door handle, when Oleg overtook another long meter. I'm a terrible coward when I'm not driving. When I drive, everyone else is afraid. Passengers pray, pedestrians are baptized. And now I was praying. There were many cleaners and sprinklers. But the ice was still in places, and even this rain! Vadik slept peacefully, Oleg and Myshko took turns driving, falling asleep one by one. I couldn't close my eyes. It seemed to me that when I fell asleep, the driver would fall asleep.

At one of the technical stops at the gas station, I decided to visit a local street toilet. A huge dog followed me.

And she walked, leaning close to my leg and forcing me to change the trajectory. Having hardly escaped from it, I entered the cherished house. The dog was waiting for me outside. When I left, the story repeated itself.

When we approached the car, the dog tried to give me a paw. There was dirt on the street, and I didn't like his idea. Good dog, but all the road food we picked up. There was only bread left. Knowing from experience that such dogs do not eat bread, I did not even look for it. The dog, not very upset, ran home. I poured myself coffee from a thermos. The taste seemed strange to me. I pricked the owner of the tank, and didn't his wife mix something with him? Bromine, for example? He assured me that he was cooking himself, just before that he brewed some herbal seagull in it.

We were stopped several times by GAI officers. In the past, there were legends about the greed of Rostov guys. Fined ungodly regardless of whether you violated or not.

You are guilty only of what I want to eat! That was their motto. On our last road trip in 2010, Oleg had to gild the handle twice.

Acquaintances went on cruise control and still they could not avoid the penalty for exceeding. Otherwise, they were threatened with a long trial. And who needs it if you go on vacation?

So far, we have only been politely asked for documents in the first case and insurance in the second. We also asked if there was snow where we were going. The temperature here was already five degrees above zero.

After Rostov, finally, the track is noticeably emptied. But there were a lot of repaired areas. Instead, they built a new wonderful road to Cherkessk-Karachayevsk-Teberda-Dombay. Previously, she left much to be desired. And there was no rain here, and the track was dry. Exactly at six o'clock in the morning Ukrainian time we arrived at the place. Thus, we covered a distance of 850 km in the same 12 hours. In total, the trip took us 25 hours

The yard was all in ice and parked cars.

Under our windows was a huge mound with a jeep stuck. Hardly finding a place to park, began to unload. I just fell off my feet. After making the bed, she climbed under the blanket. But after lying for ten minutes, I realized that I would not fall asleep. She went to the kitchen, where the boys were building breakfast. It was quite sunny and Oleg rushed to the slope. But we refused it - acclimatization, that is.

We'd better go skating ...

Gadsky the Bear, a big fan of this business, managed to sip almost one and a half liters of moonshine with the other two handsome men for breakfast, thus destroying a third of the strategic stockpile. And I, and I…. And before the trip, another nonsense came to my mind. I will not drink! Someone in the house should be sober! My beer moderation is not over yet, and I did not buy wine with me.

Misha has been here for many years every season, or even twice. As a close friend of the landlord, he knew the people who sold it. As you know, not the simplest people. He explained to the boys in a classic style. "Do you know Edik Khachaturov? " »Hu from hu. And laughter, and sin, kindergarten! But it worked! The boys were young, not older than thirty, but tense, they remembered who they were talking about. After that, the conversation flowed in a friendly manner with a pat on the shoulders and other parts of the body. We were graciously allowed to leave the car where we put it, even though it was someone's place.

But not quite sober bazaar was delayed. I got tired of it, and I began to wring the boys terrible fears, showing that is not the time for us? With difficulty distracting Misha from the fascinating conversation, we walked along the path along the river, intending to get into the gorge, which we remembered as the "Devil's Mill".

However, at the entrance we had a surprise - we had to pay 100 UAH for the entrance. What else! On the one hand, 100 rubles seems to be a little, and on the other hand, UAH 50. - This is big money. We didn't pay before and now we won't! They tried to bypass the border through the forest. Dulichki! Snow on the ears!

Then we decided to walk on the Alibek Glacier. There's the same song! Vadik managed to fall several times, slipping on icy paths. I started screaming at him, calling him drunk. But he assured me that he was completely sober, he just had slippery shoes. Ugu! Boots!

We have one last chance to take a walk somewhere - Russian glade. I've never been there, but they say it's beautiful. After passing the frog, we went on a forest ski trail.

Near the second line of the lift they rested on the next border, which was collecting the day. Here's a pancake!

But in principle, we have already gained weight. We managed not to visit three places today. Acclimatization and a sleepless night made themselves felt.

At home, finding a bucket pan, I quickly arranged the preparation of borscht and vinaigrette along the way. By the way, when the trip was just being organized, I was a little worried about how to feed this whole line? But in fact it turned out that with three men it is much easier than with one. I got not one assistant, but three. So I was just jointly directing and coordinating. And no one criticized my culinary skills, or rather their complete absence. They burst like sweethearts. However, Oleg complained that he hoped to lose weight. But I didn't need to lose weight - I'm fine. Washing dishes, of course, was also part of them, as well as preparing snacks on the slope. And I had a unique opportunity to trend for three whole week instead of one! Oh, there is a place to hang out!

- So, you have two men? »

- So, two!

In my case, three!

The next morning seemed gloomy. It was snowing. But you have to go skating! Why did we come here? Swell? The bear broke the riot again and, setting an undesirable example, missed a glass of breakfast, or rather three. Weak Oleg was influenced by an informal leader. And Vadka, in one of yesterday's falls, cracked his cross a little, and finally realized the full depth of his fall. Under my stern gaze, with a sour face, he refused.

Before the trip we inherited from the recently returned charming phone of a man from whom you could buy cheap ski passes. Our habit of paying past the box office is indestructible. What are we, fools, to pay full price? Especially now that it was as much as 1700 per day! It's scary to think how much you can buy with this money, for example, beer! At the shadow dealer, the ski pass cost 1.300 per day.

It cost the same at the box office, but only in the afternoon. You can still buy a single one for a few days. There is a flexible system of discounts. If, for example, take for five days, you will get the same charming 1300. Oleg wanted to buy just like that, but we objected, knowing from experience that you can fly. Will there be little weather? And suddenly the snow melts? Or vice versa, it will fall so that the ropes are turned off. There was everything. And suddenly, God forbid, you get sick? Well, are you just tired? Too much "suddenly", and you have to ride for five days in a row. Force majeure does not bother the administration. Nobody will return the money. So we will buy every day based on weather conditions and other circumstances.

To communicate with the right forehead, we brought with us a Russian seven taken from another acquaintance, pledging to compensate him for the cost of time spent.

Putting on our boots and pulling our skis up, we buried them in the lift.

We had quite a lot to go through. Sometimes - ten minutes.

Given the fact that each shoe weighed two kilograms, a good charge! But part of the way from our door lay on a slope across the bridge. Vovka and I overcame it on skis. The other two went like that. When we got to the cable car station, we called with a skipper. The buying process was very tricky, accompanied by all sorts of spy tricks. It took half an hour. As a result, we finally got four ski passes. The three of us were contactless, and Miche was unlucky - he had to insert a turnstile every time.

Began to rise. It's snowing.

After getting out of the car, they moved to a six-seater. After climbing another seven hundred meters, we found ourselves at an altitude of about 3000 m. Then there are four more chairs that rise to the very top, at 3200, but we did not go there. In such weather there is nothing to do.

Going down to the six-seater station, Myshko offered to ride down in the woods.

Deciding that the first time was enough, we went home. Oddly enough, Oleg was already there. Upstairs the weather did not improve and he froze.

The next day, despite the gloomy forecasts of weather forecasters (how dear they are to me! ), it seemed sunny. The cable car started working at 9, but the skipper ordered to come no earlier than the fiftieth. Vadik, having anointed his sore spots with Indian ointment for joints, decided to lie down today. But he left to see us off. Dressed in our ammunition, we reached the cable car. Called the dealer. He said he would call back. We had to wait a long time, and when he finally called, he upset us, saying that he has no subscribers today! Oleg complained that he listened to us and did not buy the only one for five days. But do nothing. Take a skip for the whole day - the frog presses. It's too late for the first noon. Let's go skating for an hour.

Come on! The box office said that they would sell from hour to hour.

Blaming their shoes, they went to change their shoes for a walk. Since there is no place to walk for free, we wandered around the market. We used to buy sweaters and hand-knitted shawls here at absolutely ridiculous prices, 30-40 hryvnias for our money. Now prices are depressing. And the range has changed. There were almost no shawls - apparently out of fashion. Thick sweaters were few, expensive, and looked kind of crap. But the skins!

Unable to pass! We don't seem to need it anymore - there are four of them in the country. I told Vadik that no more skins!

Went home for lunch. Borschik with lard. Sinful except vodka! Well of course! After lunch, Myshko said that he had already gained weight and would not go anywhere. Only Oleg and I went to the cable car.

The weather was just great. Sun and no wind! The track is soft, but not sour.

Climbed to the top on four chairs.

Although she was the newest of the lifts, she looked very miserable. Armchairs were torn off, footrests were missing in some places, and safety handrails were mutilated so that they had to be clouded so that they would not rise. A local guy who went up with us said it was the work of the elements. I gladly believed him - the winds and snows here are such that my mother is not sad!

Above, a magical panorama.

Only Elbrus could not be seen through the cap of the cloud, put on it from above. After taking enough photos, we went down. After making a couple of descents together, I realized that I should not chase after Oleg. I had to go too fast. The track, although perfect, but I'm scared. So I told him not to wait and started riding at my own pace.

We had a great time this day.

Weather is a song! People are miserable.

By the way, I did not understand where they are going? The seats up are full, although there is no queue at all. And the track is almost empty, which could not but please me. Tolerate hate clutter. In Bukovel, before starting the descent, I looked around ten times to avoid being followed by any inadequate teapots. I didn't smile at all at being beaten.

After making the last (as I thought) descent today, I saw that a small queue had formed at the turnstile. And already 16.00! We don't have to lift anymore! But the cable car worked. And what am I going to take and go down while still skating? Listening to the herd feeling, she sat on the lift again. Getting up from the chair turned out to be very problematic - we literally ran into a crowd of coat makers (or as we call them - hats) - people without skis, who climbed up just to look down from the mountain.

Pleasure, apparently, is not cheap.

It costs 500 g to climb once on a car, another 350 on a six-seater chairlift, and another 200 on the very top. A total of 1050! The spectacle above, of course, is worthy. And the weather was good today. But we met upstairs coats and yesterday, when you could not see the zgi.

As I was driving down the track, the cable car stopped. And what about hats? Who will go on foot? But, later, the chairs were launched. But how! I have never seen such a miracle! They drove backwards. That is, people rode down their backs into the valley. Cool!

Finishing the descent, I saw Oleg, who was already sitting in the car. I fell asleep on time, and we went together. He said that he had been waiting for me for a long time and thought that I had already gone home. The houses upset Vadik with their enthusiasm for today's wheelchair. Calm Misha did not envy us, or pretended.

The next morning again did not justify the absurd forecast. It was great!

Despite the still painful condition of the bones, Vadik decided to leave.

But I thought he wouldn't ride much, so I suggested he ride in two shifts. As soon as he feels he can't do it anymore, I replace him. But the change of guard must take place no later than an hour! They decided to keep in touch as follows: Vadik picks up his work phone with a Ukrainian SIM connected to roaming and calls me on a phone with a Russian SIM.

Today we have left subscribers. The boys left, and I went for a walk. She fed the monkey-model with nuts, inspected the assortment of the market in more detail and walked along the path past the unfinished mosque.

It's good that it's still unfinished. And that would be our happiness at night! The village has grown significantly over the past 10 years that we have not been here. Literally every piece of land was built up. I didn't like it.

But there was one positive point.

The classic on the label had the appropriate word and cost a hundred or even two more expensive. Then we chose Novosvitske. And now I had no choice. More precisely, there was also a Rostov brut for 280, but I decided that it was absolutely poison. The bottle, of course, I overcame, but to tell the truth, the last glass barely shoved. Not that! And my head hurt in the morning. So, not at all! We did not find a way to make it on the label. And it stands as real!

The next two days we did as I imagined. It is good that the weather was good - you could sit and not freeze.

While I waited my turn, I watched the paragliders.

I also really wanted to fly. I was willing to pay for this pleasure the cost of a day pass. But when she asked people for the price, she sobered up.

From five to eight thousand, depending on the duration of the flight! Well no!

I will not land alive, the frog will strangle me in flight! However, I then saw the landing and even took a picture - ass in the snow.

And suddenly there are stones? In general, I calmed myself down. I will be healthier!

In the process of our alternate skiing, sometimes even an extra ski pass was formed - Mishanya was already a little tired. And my back and knees hurt. So! Old age is not joy! And he rode another route, much simpler, wider and longer, but correspondingly more lively. That's where all the people will go! Sometimes Oleg and I went down there to rest. But because of the large number of people there were "bottlenecks" with pebbles. There were also unpredictable, and therefore dangerous "teapots" and grief-border guards, lying in the middle of the track like seals.

Here you could ride, climbing, like us, on the new rope, plus those who climbed the old one.

The time of departure was inexorably approaching.

I would have stayed here longer, I had such an opportunity. Do not ride, then just walk, breathe the air. But these eternally busy men! But not everyone wanted to go. And we even seriously addressed the issue of a one-day delay. But then still decided to go on Saturday afternoon. So far the weather is good and so far the weekend and there may not be much freight transport on the roads.

Mishanya has been tied up for several days, getting ready to drive. Oleg also almost did not drink. And the stocks have run out. And local drinks were no longer bought. Although we used to love Karachay beer. But on Saturday morning, Oleg and I decided to finally break away, leaving others to tidy up the apartment and pack.

Today it was sunny (as usual, contrary to the forecast), but much colder. The previous days were close to zero. And today, looking at the thermometer, they found minus ten overboard!

On the mountain, respectively, even colder. I even decided to put on my hat, although I hate hats.

Leaving the house, I decided to go a little skiing across the bridge. The fool turned out to be a prank. There was no snow for a long time, the road was solid ice, sprinkled with sand with a track broken by cars. At first, I was rolling, trying to maneuver on the ice in unbuttoned shoes. But in the end I fell spectacularly right in front of the crowd of boys who came to meet me. They helped me up and handed me sticks. Shame! Well, why would I go home without a single bruise? I could not fall on the slope.

Going up one of the first up, they found almost virgin corduroy left by a snowcat.

That was a thrill! For the first time in days, I ran from top to bottom without stopping and didn't even suffocate! And this is not less than 2100 with a penny meters.

Acclimatization is finally over, and shortness of breath with it. How I do not want to go!

A few more descents on a difficult route and I decided to relax and ride on the easier. After parting with Oleg, she turned left. But I was disappointed - this track was closed for competitions. I had to go down to another and return to my own.

On the occasion of Saturday, the six-seater even formed a kind of queue.

It's good that they closed that route! Otherwise I would not have seen what I saw! I bet no one of you has ever seen such a thing! Ski wedding! The bride in a dress, mink coat and skis, just beautiful!

The groom… may be handsome, but an ugly shaggy beard, besides red, can distort anyone!

I thought this idiotic fashion was just happening. Well, it doesn't matter. Groom with a board.

Numerous honors, dressed in beastly costumes also on snowboards.

And how I did not forget to take a photo! It was very interesting how this procession will go down, but they started a long photo shoot upstairs, and I did not wait. When I went downstairs and got back in my chair, I managed to film the process from above. Bride, well done! Went without sticks and with a bouquet in hand!

And the slope is probably quite difficult. I don't even know if I could go to one place without sticks. At the beginning of my studies, I didn't know what to do with these sticks, and why did they give up at all?

Today I am without them, as without hands.

And the girl rode quite nicely. Probably a pro. And without a hat. Let me remind you, it's minus ten outside! I was just thrilled! On the last (oh, last) day of skiing get so many positives!

As I was descending, I caught up with the procession, which lay down to rest by the cannon. And on the way I met those who fell behind. Apparently, not everyone was able to ride well. Then they returned to the forest road and I never met them again.

Climbed to the top again. Elbrus is not visible again. All the same it is beautiful. By the way, almost at the top there is also a tow. Of course, learning to ride there is very fun, much more interesting than below - the panorama is fascinating. But you will have to pay for this pleasure as much as 850 rubles a day to get to the skiing area, plus the fee for the tow.

We returned home at half past one, had lunch and left! It was not easy to leave the village. Saturday! Someone has arrived, someone is leaving.

The temperature in some places dropped to minus nineteen. From the hill we saw a magical picture - snow-covered heaps protruding from the fog. Oh, what shots are missing! But who will stop? Pheasants walk! АААААА!

My inner paparazzi cried out in indignation.

Without a navigator we had a very hard time. It turned out that in Ukraine there are just a million roads, more precisely directions. One road would be better, but good. We were wickedly confused. Time and time again I had to stop and ask for directions. I used to think that the road in Kostiantynivka was terrible. We used to take my daughter to the pioneer camp in Slovyanogorsk, and I remember her very well. But then we did not drive between Artemivsk and Krasnoarmeysk. That's where it really is. opie! I have no words. Imagine the state of the owner of the car! And here it occurred to me to buy in place of my favorite Artemivsky champagne.

After all, everyone knows that the place of production of drinks is incomparably better than anywhere else. When I stuttered about the stop, I was almost torn to pieces by rags. Then I resorted to tricks. I called Verka and said that these years they do not want to stop to buy her champagne.

She slapped Oleg, who was not driving at the time. This bastard even listened to his beloved wife, he was so angry. If he had known, he would not have driven his car!

As a result of our wanderings, we probably came across all conceivable and unthinkable checkpoints. We were stopped ten times. They checked the documents and looked in the trunk. Okay, although no one was digging into things. We have already spat and told the truth that we are leaving the Caucasus. The reaction was different, but we broke through without excesses. Despite the fact that we crossed the border with a whistle, and thus saved time, we still returned home after the same charming 25 hours.

Verka prepared a delicious dinner and brought us her own bottle of champagne from the cellar. Family dismantling remained for later.

I'm probably selfish, and I'm not ashamed of it, but personally I had fun!

Thanks to my usual economy (stinginess), for two we spent 2000 UAH for gasoline, 500 UAH. for food and 13800 directly in Dombay. In total, about nine and a half thousand hryvnias. At the same time there we bought only bread, well, shampoo once. We could not avoid shopping. Two skins and a sweater for Vadka were bought.

By the way, we did not eat all the products. I had to drive home. Mishan had questions for his wife, who assured him that they had thousands of food, which he regularly gave her on the farm. And here we lived for four weeks for one thousand, we didn't even go hungry at all, and we even returned some of the goods home.

At the same time, according to Mikhail, his home diet was almost no different from Domba's.

And yes, skiing is very expensive.

I have no idea what millions you need to have to live, for example, in a hotel, eat in a cafe, rent equipment, pay the full cost of ski pass, and God forbid to take an instructor. And if you fly a plane…

By the way, checking the balance of the Russian seven, we found that we managed to speak 450 g! Apparently, when Vadik called me from the mountain because of roaming, the days were also filmed. So I had to compensate the owner for 115 g from the nose.

That's the end of fairy tales! Who overcame, well done! : )))))))))

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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