I have heard a lot from the first persons that the customs of Ukraine "goes wild" when checking Russians. Namely, I want to bring up to 1 kg of red caviar as a gift, but I have heard about cases when people either "pay extra" with money or half of the "gift" to customs officers. What documents are needed in order to 100% protect yourself from such inspectors.
12 years ago
4 subscribers 4 answers
best answer
By law, you can bring food products for personal consumption into the territory of Ukraine in the amount of not more than 50 Euros. To such quantities: in the original packaging - 1 unit or up to 2 kg of each unit of production, without original packaging - up to 2 kg of one item, without packaging an indivisible product, ready for use no more than one unit of one item.
In practice, it looks like this: 1 can of caviar in the original packaging weighing up to 2 kg, or 2 kg without packaging (but ...