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I look at all the sites that it is constantly raining at the resort. How true is this. I have to go December 1st
13 years ago  •  5 subscribers 9 answers
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Na prognozi pogodi, ne v sezon uraganov, mozhno tochno ne smotret. V etom godu v period s 22 sentyabrya po 2 oktyabrya prognoz pogodi obeschal dozhd kazdiy den s veroyatnost'yu 60-70%. na som zhe dele bilo vsego 3 dozhdya za vse 10 days. Dva iz nih noch'yu I odin vecherom, minut po 15-20, ne bolshe. Farther...
We are going to the Dominican Republic at the end of January, we are worried about the weather.
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 6 answers
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Rain in the Dominican Republic is not uncommon, it lasts 15-20 minutes, then the sun. Doesn't stress. If you don’t feel like rain at all, then you are somewhere in Africa, where everything is already burned out. Watching stupid weather reports is not correct, they do not reflect the picture. There are areas where it rains every day, there are those where it rains every 3-4 days. Farther...
We want to go to the Dominican Republic in the spring, but I read that it can rain there ... tell me when is the best time to go in March, April or May!
13 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
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4 or 5 let podryad mi otdihali v Punta Cana v konce maya nachale iyunya i nikakih dozhdey ne nadblyudali. Naooborot pogoda bilaprosto velikolepna!! Ne ochen zharko, ne ochen vlazhno, chudesnaya teplaya voda, i svetovoy den v otlichii ot zimi, dlinniy! Farther...
Good afternoon! We want to go to the Dominican Republic in September, honeymoon trip. Tell me, please, which hotel is most suitable for this, share your experience. Thanks in advance for your reply.
15 years ago  •  5 subscribers 5 answers
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Hello everyone, we were also going to the Dominican Republic in September. On August 20, we are going for a ticket, a very good friend in a tour agency advised us to go better to Mexico, she says she liked it there more than in the Dominican Republic, so we think until Friday. veric and from what date do you want to go and for how many days? Farther...
Tell me if the end of March - the beginning of April is a good season for a holiday in the Dominican Republic? I don't want to be caught in the rainy and stormy season...
13 years ago  •  6 subscribers 21 answer
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Prettygreen, prezhde chem ehat kuda to otdihat, nuzhno vsegda prodelat nebolshuyu domashnyuyu rabotu. A prodelav ee vi bi ponyali cho ni klubov, ni kafeshek, za terrotoriey otelya vi ne naidete. Dominican eto kogda tebya vse dostalo i prosto hochetsya teplogo morya, solnishka i palm.A naprimer v Amerike Bavaro princess ni u odnogo tur operatora ne zayavlen kak 5 *. Koe u kogo 3.5*, koe u kogo 4*, no ne bolshe. A na samom dele bolshe chem na 3* on, ne tyanet. Naprotiv zatonuvshego korablya- skore ... Farther...
7 years ago  •  12 subscribers 21 answer
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Given the visa-free regime, it will be cheaper to fly from Europe. Anex tour offers very cheap tours to the Dominican Republic from Düsselbdorf and Berlin. Farther...
6 years ago  •  7 subscribers 11 answers
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on the topic I want to contribute, because I studied this issue a lot and I myself thought about when to go eventually went at the end of October, just after the hurricane season and it was still pretty warm! Of course, they take them to the sea in the summer, all excursions are the same as in winter, the only excursion in winter is whales, they seem to sail in January-March what I understood for myself after two trips, that in the summer it is better to go to the La Romana and Bayahibe hotel ... Farther...
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