Related questions: Is it possible to export coins from the UAE

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We are going for the first time, on a budget, in 3 *. I understand there are no refrigerators in the room? Or can they be supplied for a fee? Is it the same with telecom (although it is insignificant)? Tell me, is it worth taking all-inclusive or can you eat cheaply in cafes, what are the prices for modest dinners (for example, in Ssus)? Should I take towels with me or can I buy cheap ones there? As I understand it, you can not take a mask / tube at all!?
15 years ago  •  5 subscribers 32 answers
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I will answer honestly: you can have a normal lunch for a maximum of $ 20 per person ... but keep in mind that the portions are large. Hammamet - no more expensive than Sousse! A towel costs 4-5 dollars - a large beach one, towels in hotels can be washed out, gray in color. If you do not disdain, you can not carry your own ... Refrigerators for extra. There is not always a fee, it depends on the hotel. Fruits can be bought a little bit and completely do without a refrigerator. Does your alcohol ... Farther...
5 years ago  •  3 subscribers 4 answers
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In accordance with paragraphs 1, 2, 4 of Chapter 2 of Instruction No. 148, an individual (resident and non-resident) has the right to export cash outside Ukraine in an amount not exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 euros without a written declaration to the customs authority. According to paragraphs 1, 2 of chapter 4 of the above Instruction, an individual has the right to export banking metals outside Ukraine: weight not exceeding 500 g, in the form of ingots and coins - on the terms of a ... Farther...
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 9 answers
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Karmel, if you leave for the UAE in a fur coat and a diamond ring for a couple of carats and do not write it down in the declaration, then you can tell the customs officers that it happened, only the result is predictable. Hemorrhoids and loss of time and money, and even a criminal. Therefore, jewelry, equipment and simply expensive things, like a fur coat, must be declared upon departure. In order that they would not be considered later, on account of imported valuables. You probably think that ... Farther...
Good afternoon! Tell me, how can I carry fruits in hand luggage or check in luggage?
12 years ago  •  8 subscribers 10 answers
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Hard (coconut, pineapple, mangosteen) - in luggage, soft, like mango - in hand luggage. Be careful with special baskets, there are different troubles at different airports, but our border guards and customs officers know these baskets by sight very well. If they want fruit, you will have trouble. It is optimal, as in my opinion, to put a hard box into an ordinary bag or a hand luggage suitcase, and fruits into it. Farther...
Is it possible to export alcohol, cigarettes and souvenirs from Egypt: how much and in what quantity!?
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 8 answers
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If the corals are in the form of a souvenir, then you need a receipt with a seal, etc. from the shop. And if not, then a fine of 500 dollars. (this also applies to shells). You can carry as much alcohol and cigarettes from the dutik as you like, but local cigarettes are simply no good. Farther...
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