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5 years ago  •  10 subscribers 19 answers
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In Sharm now they took a dollar. The price is from a dollar to 2.5, depending on the variety and the ability to bargain. Farther...
Where is the best place to buy mango, avocado? And what grows there? Herbs / teas - what is acceptable for the Slavs? Night trades. which centers are best? Spices and spices are local, not Chinese, what?
5 years ago  •  7 subscribers 11 answers
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Allow me to disagree with the professionals, but in Hurghada it is better to buy mangoes and other fruits in Senzo Mall, a shopping and entertainment center. The choice of fruits is huge. In September, there were only 5 varieties of mangoes at a price of 14 to 28 pounds. give a dollar for fruits, then they will pick up boxes for the road and choose what you want, at least one piece from each box. Moreover, it is very convenient to pay with a bank card. Farther...
6 years ago  •  4 subscribers 10 answers
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Have you tried to study the Citation card? The hotel is gramedny, only the beach strip is 2 km away. For "writers" a bass runs around the territory. A barrier next to the admin building Farther...
4 years ago  •  4 subscribers 2 answers
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There were no mango stalls near the hotel before. The cost of mango in Hurghada is from 1 to 2 dollars / kg. Farther...
What fruits are currently available?
12 years ago  •  6 subscribers 6 answers
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In October in Egi you can buy a very worthy mango, I bought and ate it myself! In general, my Arab friend from Sharm said that the season for their local mango begins - I can’t remember exactly, but between June and July it seems that his parents grow mangoes in Ismailia, and when I came to Sharm-on in early July he brought me a crazy taste of mango from his trees full suitcase! if you are interested, I can check with him, and when the rest of the local fruits are still in season, which are from ... Farther...
Which hotel to choose? We will rest with a child of 8 years in August. I want a deep sea, so that it would be normal for an adult, not knee-deep. And also so that you can buy mangoes somewhere nearby.
7 years ago  •  7 subscribers 10 answers
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I do not want and do not intend to argue with anyone. I answer the Author the same way as you. If you know better, then it's good that you correct ... What's the problem? Farther...
Please tell me what kinds of tea are sold in Hurghada, which one is better to buy, how to choose it, how much it costs and where to buy it?
14 years ago  •  9 subscribers 51 answer
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in Egypt, a huge number of teas, tinctures. very popular hibiscus. I personally love black with mango. costs 10 pounds for 50 grams. green (with various additives) costs 5 pounds per 50 grams. I always take in the market from the same seller. Farther...
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