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Dear readers of the Tour, hello really! =) We can not decide with the family about where we should go. The choice is Vietnam or Dubai. Help with the choice, write briefly and to the point, it’s better to go there because, but it’s not worth it because. We will be very grateful to you! This request is for those who have been there and there, and not for those who read a lot about these countries, but never visited. We are traveling as a family of three adults. We tolerate the heat normally, we are afraid of different living creatures and revered that in Vietnam the water is bad and there are enough different living creatures both in the sea and on land, sand fleas and bugs, rats, snakes, mosquitoes, vaccinations and one more point is not in favor of Vietnam to get to the islands 5 hours after the plane. In Dubai, the high cost of everything is embarrassing. In Vietnam, with $2,000 you are almost rich, but in Dubai you are nobody with that amount. What to do?
12 years ago  •  9 subscribers 14 answers
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There is no vacation in Dubai in summer. Farther...
And yet, does the sea bloom in the Persian Gulf (in the sense of small algae, foam on the water)? Thanks for the answer.
12 years ago  •  5 subscribers 6 answers
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In winter, there are no jellyfish only in summer. And they are not everywhere every day, but periodically appear. Personally, I was stung on a palm tree and on a jumeirah :) Farther...
Sorry, if my question is out of the general theme, but nevertheless, I dare to ask. A couple of times when I came out of the sea, I had a burning sensation in small areas of the skin. After a couple of hours, the burning sensation subsided, but a medium-sized red rash appeared. It was all gone in about a day. How much I didn’t peer into the water, I didn’t see jellyfish there (like they said that they didn’t exist in Middle-earth?), write off contact allergies from small pinches of local fish - the same is somehow too much. Everything would be trifles, but only after arriving home, I was again sprinkled in the same locations. Now I’m thinking - just wait until it passes, stomp to a dermatologist, or just someone encountered something similar in Middle-earth and knows what it could be?
12 years ago  •  21 subscriber 33 answers
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There are a lot of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea! They may be so small that you can't even see them. It is strange that the houses were sprinkled again. Try to drink diazolin or another anti-allergic drug, if it does not help, you will have to go to a dermatologist. Z.Y. And by the way, algae are also not harmless. In one hotel in Kemer, a colony of such toxic algae spread on ropes that held the buoys. Half the hotel was walking around with burns, and the staff warned not to grab the buoys ... Farther...
Good afternoon! Please tell me. Vacationing in Egypt. I look in stores for bags with snakes and crocodile. I really wanted one like this. I could not resist and bought it. The seller assured me that it was natural. I even set it on fire with a lighter. The description of my bag - it looks like snake skin, even individual scales are lacquered. Inside, on the lining - it says Made in Egypt (in English). there must be a price?Thank you.Wears very well
13 years ago  •  12 subscribers 16 answers
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I doubt that for $50 you bought a bag made of a real snake .. just a well-made snake skin, nothing more. Farther...
I read in one review of a tourist that in Goa a stingray killed her husband
17 years ago  •  1 subscriber 6 answers
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Tell me how to avoid these troubles, I do not consider the option of staying at home. thanks in advance for the answer. Farther...
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