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What's with the biting filth in the sea?
Sorry, if my question is out of the general theme, but nevertheless, I dare to ask. A couple of times when I came out of the sea, I had a burning sensation in small areas of the skin. After a couple of hours, the burning sensation subsided, but a medium-sized red rash appeared. It was all gone in about a day. How much I didn’t peer into the water, I didn’t see jellyfish there (like they said that they didn’t exist in Middle-earth?), write off contact allergies from small pinches of local fish - the same is somehow too much. Everything would be trifles, but only after arriving home, I was again sprinkled in the same locations. Now I’m thinking - just wait until it passes, stomp to a dermatologist, or just someone encountered something similar in Middle-earth and knows what it could be?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
21 subscriber  • asked 2012-10-1412 years ago
Answers  •  33
аватар Kolesoo
The fish pinched me, but the redness went away and there was no more rash. Of course, go to a dermatologist, drink antiallergic pills
аватар sergtallinn
аватар gibdg
Did anyone have a relapse after such bites / burns? And then I already imagined evil microalgae that penetrate the body in places where the skin is broken)))
аватар Pachok
There are a lot of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea! They may be so small that you can't even see them. It is strange that the houses were sprinkled again. Try to drink diazolin or another anti-allergic drug, if it does not help, you will have to go to a dermatologist.
Z.Y. And by the way, algae are also not harmless. In one hotel in Kemer, a colony of such toxic algae spread on ropes that held the buoys. Half the hotel was walking around with burns, and the staff warned not to grab the buoys and ropes.
аватар TombArthur
this canoe is also on red.
Carefully snorkle and looking closely, you will see transparent small threads with tiny balls inside - it burns.
аватар gostia
Are these jellyfish there all year round, or at certain periods? I just want to go with my child next time and it will be sad if he cannot be allowed into the sea because of jellyfish - his body reacts violently to mosquitoes.
аватар PolikSVT
Yesterday we arrived from Kemer. For the first time (!) we were also sometimes bitten by someone, mostly when we swam 30-50 meters from the shore! Sensations - as if a nettle slapped on the leg! Then bites swell in a row, like mosquitoes. A few hours later they pass without a trace. They say it's a fish...
аватар skvortsova_sv
We rested at the end of September. In Turkey 5 times. After what happened to me, the word Turkey becomes bad. In short, I received terrible burns from buoys and ropes. For 6 hours in a row I howled in the room from terrible pain, as if they were burning me with fire, neither ointment nor pills bought in a Turkish pharmacy helped. The next morning there was nothing. Nobody warned us about this. The pharmacy said that the Turks impregnate the ropes with a chemical composition, so I got a chemical. burn.
аватар skvortsova_sv
By the way, this was all at the Belpinar 4 * hotel in Beldibi 1. Almost a month has passed since arrival, but everything is still fresh in my memory: tears, terrible pain, frightened children. I understand everything, and more than a foot in Turkey !!!
аватар gabdrahmanova1
Hello!!! I have been resting on this coast of Beldibi for 8 years, but to be honest, I also encounter this for the first time, burning, creepy ... unpleasant for those who like to swim a lot and to buoys .... I have not heard about the chemical composition more than once !! THANK YOU!!! By the way, my hotel was not far from yours ... arrived on 10/21/12 ... was 14 days old. bitten 2 times ... at first I didn’t understand to be honest ... maybe I misunderstood of course .... but I saw a gray stingray from tail ... and was horrified. I have never swum so fast to the shore
аватар parus-dina
This year I encountered it for the first time. I have a rest (27.10-8.11.17) in Side. Something in the water obviously burns like nettles, later small blisters appear, which eventually disappear. Near the shore - no problem, but closer to the buoys and behind them - there is. Very unpleasant. I tried to go away, to the beaches of other hotels, it does not help. The same problem.
And I thought that I just had some kind of hypersensitivity ... I'm actually very allergic. But on the whole beach, not a single person voiced this problem, even my husband, swimming next to me, did not receive any burns, and in 12 days I was also stung 3 times by some microorganisms that are not visible to the eye. It was also from October 17 to October 29, 2017 in the sea near Kemer (Geynyuk village). Moreover, the burning force is different all three times: from "burns slightly" to "terribly burns." I have been going to the seas for 17 years in a row, but this is the first time I have experienced this and, frankly, I am very scared. Moreover, now I can’t force myself to swim far and for a long time, as it was before. I'm afraid! Despite the fact that the beach is full of people, they calmly sunbathe, swim and enjoy their vacation ... It's a shame.
аватар igor21
These can be small fish that pinch calluses and wounds, as well as algae that live on ropes and buoys.
аватар llalexandr
Montenegro, May 29, 2018 Ulcinj, city beach. Air temperature 29, water -25. Felt in the water
that around the hand something dangles in the form of a thin hair, when he swam to the shore, he threw it off. It was transparent and barely visible. After going ashore, a burning sensation immediately began on a fairly large surface of the skin.
Sensation as if stinged by nettles, or stinged by a wasp. The burning intensified and small blisters appeared. He returned home, washed with soap and water, then washed with plenty of vodka. An hour later, the blisters fell off and the burning sensation practically stopped, but the skin remained rough to the touch. Tried to figure out the name of this organism, however
scientists do not report anything definite. There are only reports of victims. I encountered such a phenomenon in Montenegro for the first time in 8 years. Leonard.
igor21, these options (biting fish and algae on buoys and ropes) disappear (I considered them when I analyzed the situation). Because I didn’t have any wounds (even small wounds), or calluses where there was a burning sensation. These were the shoulders (the middle part of the shoulders of both hands). Or, at another time, a shin, just below the knee. And the feeling, as if they were whipped with nettles: sharply, strongly, with a round-robin grip at once. Fish don't bite like that. And I never hung on the ropes near the buoys. Never even touched them.
llalexandr, the name of this biting organism, as I understand it, is difficult to determine. It can be any jellyfish that has tentacles (almost any). It is not the jellyfish itself that burns, but its stinging cells located along the entire length of the tentacle. Moreover, they burn even when they have already come off the body itself and are "in free swimming" off the coast. And since they are very thin (like hair), they, of course, are not visible to us, floating in the sea, especially since they are transparent, practically.
Here in the photo you can see how long the tentacles of the jellyfish are. During a storm, a jellyfish can shake well, and some tentacles come off the body. For some time they still live their lives and retain poisonous properties (stinging cells).
аватар mukhammadieva99
Good evening!!!! Please, help!! How did it all end for you? How was this rash treated? The same thing happened to me, the same in Alanya even. I came home and the rash came back
аватар tatyana-57
If you have varicose veins on your legs, be careful. The fish scratched my varicose vein. Bleeding began. I had to stitch.
аватар spvsvetlana
We rested in Alanya from 05.10.19. until 10/14/19
And here it is on 10/12/19. swam and clung to the buoy. In 10 minutes. sailing away from the buoy, I felt how strongly my right side was burning. The side turned very red, as if scalded with boiling water and blisters appeared, as after nettle, but larger. Took antihistamines, did not help. At the hotel, a Russian-speaking woman working there said that it was from the algae that appeared on the buoys after the storm. She sent us to the pharmacy, the pharmacy gave us an ointment and an antihistamine. Took it, didn't help. About 1.5 hours passed, fingers and toes began to go numb, the stomach inside, as if it began to swell. They called an ambulance. They took me to the hospital, where the doctor said that after the storm, it brings some kind of toxic algae that clings to buoys, stones, ladders, cables, etc. Many people get toxic burns and need to be injected. I agreed, since this burning pain was already unbearable. The injection helped, after an hour the pain was gone and the burn was completely gone by morning.
аватар ekaterina.evgenyevna
rested in alanya from October 25 to November 6, 19. After swimming in the sea, the child developed blisters on the skin of the front surface of the legs and on the stomach. Washed with chlorhexidine. Smeared with erythromycin. On the trail. the day the blisters went away, there was a slight redness. A week later, a relapse began - both legs and stomach turned red and swollen, it has been holding for 2 days. It's not clear what to do with it. Itching interferes with sleep.
аватар Shugina-2006
These are small fish. We were also bitten in Turkey. I specifically watched in a mask. Tiny fish swam near the shore and bit. And selectively. There are a lot of people, one has only to stop by the coast, my girlfriend only once in 2 weeks. It was funny when she began to tell us on the last day of vacation that we were probably inventing and at that moment she pinched her! Not every year. There were none this year.
аватар Shugina-2006
But I did not add that this year some plankton stung us. And more early in the morning. There was redness and burning. There were no buoys, and we never hang. The locals said it was plankton.
аватар Tati12
Something bit me yesterday in the Caribbean, too. Initially, the sensations were as if something pricked very strongly. They came out of the water - it began to burn. The main thing is no traces, but the pain is like from nettles. Then a small red spot appeared on the leg, everything went away overnight. A local sailor said that during a storm, jellyfish fight against corrals and their tentacles come off. Then these invisible threads float in the water and burn. I was not far from the buoys too - maybe they cling to them. Just in case, it is better to be careful near the buoys.
аватар Tati12
They said not to touch, not to scratch - not to spread the poison further.
аватар yarickpy
Turkey Alanya, Cleopatra beach, October 2020.
He swam up to the buoy 250 m from the shore, leaned on it, an hour later he found a burning sensation and a red spot on his chest.
TOMATO helped and, for reliability, Aerius antihistamine tablets.
In general, that day, almost half of the body was not taken away.
Feeling better after taking the pills.
I observed the consequences of poisoning for another month in the form of a slight itch.
аватар Advokat01kz
07/28/2021 rested in Belek. There were some algae on the buoys. Accidentally rubbed his stomach. Barely swam. Start to burn. On the shore, the pain intensified, as if they had put an iron, then it radiated to the internal organs. It bled red spots. I drank a lot of water and took antihistamine pills. The pain was terrible, in the evening she slept a little, in the morning she left completely.
аватар Llyudjtchka
Good afternoon, most recently, on September 17, 2021, we rested in Alanya. She touched the rope between the buoys with her hand. A minute later she felt a sharp burning sensation in her forearm, shoulder, armpit. I washed it with fresh water on the beach, the burning sensation decreased, severe pain appeared, blisters, as from nettles. In the room, I washed the affected area with soap, treated it with alcohol, a solution of chamomile (fortunately, the filter bags, like everything else was with me), took a Ketorol tablet, anointed the “rescuer” gel (for children). After 30 minutes, everything was almost gone. Locals say that this is algae on buoys and a rope. I tend to believe them, since the point of application is the same.
аватар darkpork12
Greetings, 09/25/2021 swam to the buoys in Alanya and, apparently, accidentally hit the rope with his shoulder, after a couple of minutes the shoulder began to burn, and half of the body went numb, swam to the shore, examined and saw a large burn and blisters. I took a shower in the room, drank painkillers, after a couple of hours the body began to fully function, and the pain and burning sensation decreased, I hope everything will pass tomorrow morning :)
аватар kseniia.klein
The question is what to do after the relapse has begun. In mid-September, 2021, I was bitten in Goynuk on a rocky beach on my knee (I was lying in the water on stones), it burned very badly, I thought that everything would be ok, because I had already been bitten once in Adrasan (in some bay along the way to the island) and passed quickly. Now it has begun to heal, and suddenly again a week later the blisters swelled up and it itched terribly.
аватар galahomebox
2022-08 Ordinance Here we caught this biting dirty trick. Today the sea is teeming with them. When you swim, the island pierces the body, two children have splinters. Transparent, difficult to remove.
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