Related questions: Is it possible to export cheese from Switzerland

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And what?
12 years ago  •  7 subscribers 21 answer
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What should I do? Probably give a ticket. What is a vacation without stew? Farther...
Is it true that luggage for one is not more than 23kg? Friends say that there were 1.5 kg extra, then they put them in hand luggage so as not to pay the Turks !!!
13 years ago  •  13 subscribers 42 answers
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Nothing surprising. With such a jug, it’s good to go on a binge. And after drinking from his woman to hide in it))) Farther...
6 years ago  •  11 subscribers 16 answers
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In general, from all of the above, I conclude that it’s not necessary once at a time, the main thing is not to be smelled) Thank you all for participating in the cheese discussion !!! Farther...
I don't understand something: Import of products of animal origin Such products cannot be imported without veterinary control. However, a veterinary certificate is not required for: • products that are part of personal luggage during the trip; •baby food and products used for medical reasons; • food for pets weighing up to 1 kg. All imported products must be declared and packaged in undamaged containers. Note: Without a certificate, you cannot import meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs, lard, etc.
13 years ago  •  9 subscribers 16 answers
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And the products needed during the trip are a sandwich with sausage or cheese, or both. If, when necessary, you can convince that 2 loaves of servilat is your usual oversus - then take it boldly! Farther...
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