Return to Kriba

03 July 2013 Travel time: with 08 May 2013 on 18 May 2013
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We went to Mexico only because of the Caribbean Sea. It's worth it, although the flight is almost 14 hours. 3.5 Kyiv-Paris and Paris-Cancun full 10. The time difference is 8 hours, we got used to it quickly, but it’s very, very hard to get back home. We lived at the OCCIDENTAL GRAND XCARET hotel, near the Shkaret ecopark - one common fence, if one word describes the hotel, it is GORGEOUS! From food, rooms, territory, animation, wildlife. The Mayan Indians are boating on the river that flows in the hotel, animals: flamingos, deer, iguanas, monkeys, nose parrots Ara are walking around the territory.

We went on a tour of Coba-Tulum. The price tag is $ 150 per person (yes, expensive, but what to do? ) Mayan pyramids, In Kobe they climbed - the Nohoch Mul pyramid is 42 meters, in Tulum it is no longer possible to climb, but there is a stunning view of the sea. Not even amazing, it’s right to say, the gap and the removal of the brain. Bathed. The sea is tricolor and warm. Here you will also have lunch in the Mayana village and swimming in an open cenote (a cenote is a castra lake).

A couple of days later we went to Shkaret Park. There are no carousels here. This is an eco park. Dolphins, sharks, stingrays, manatees - with them for extra. fee can swim. Park of butterflies, orchids, parrots, watch and admire. Rodeo evening. And at 19:00 the grand show begins. About ancient and modern Mexico. They showed in particular how they used to play Pok-ta-pok (an analogue of modern football, only you have to score the ball with your elbow or hip and into a narrow goal like basketball, I really liked it. The show is very, very interesting!

And at the end of the stay, we went to the XPLOR park - this is a park for lovers of outdoor activities for an adrenaline rush. Buggy riding (small cars, automatic transmission on rough terrain), riding cable cars (canopy or zipline) is also called. And swimming in underground rivers in stalactite caves, amazing beauty.

Mexico is interesting, Mexico is historical, gastronomic, culinary, musical.

My eyes were opened. It is no coincidence that the Americans chose it for themselves in terms of recreation. Will I be back again? 100% YES!!!!!!!!! ! ! !

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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