Знаю, что пляжи Сардинии славятся белым песком. Его даже запрещают вывозить! Говорят, что на Сардинии есть пляж с розовым песком. Это правда? Смущают фотошопные фото в интернете
I know that the beaches of Sardinia are famous for their white sand. It is even forbidden to export! It is said that Sardinia has a beach with pink sand. It's true? Photoshop photos on the internet are embarrassing
I know that the beaches of Sardinia are famous for their white sand. It is even forbidden to export! It is said that Sardinia has a beach with pink sand. It's true? Photoshop photos on the internet are embarrassing
4 subscribers •
2019-08-226 years ago