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Suggest a gourmet hotel
I would like to visit a hotel with good food according to the all system (grilled meat, seafood).
Please do not write about taverns
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4 subscribers  • asked 2013-04-3012 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар dimdimysh
Greece is big. Do you care whether the islands or the mainland?
аватар victorias
mitsisy can recommend - a very rich ultra all inclusive with many taverns on the territory of the hotels included in this all. I especially recommend Blue Domes (O. Kos) from this point of view.
See also Grecotels.
Everywhere there will be guaranteed quality and Greek dishes in a wide variety.
In Rhodes, I’ll say from experience that these are the hotel chains Lindos (Royal and Imperial), Calypso.
аватар olgabondar16541
y-yes ..... exchange Greek taverns for hotel food .... apparently, you rested in Turkey for a very long time ... I am sincerely sorry for you!
аватар ifedorovua
Sani Beach club, Aquila Porto Rethimna, Grecotel Daphnila Bay, Agapi Beach
аватар opion_11
Better of course on the island part
аватар opion_11
victorias, ifedorovua thank you very much I will look at these hotels =)
аватар opion_11
Dear olgabondar16541, the topic is not called "teach a fool about life", but "Tell me a gourmet hotel" if you haven't noticed, so take pity on yourself and go with your worthless opinion to .... in general, go somewhere with him, but don't spam.
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