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What is the cost of food and drinks?
Good evening! For the first time my husband and I are going to Greece and naturally we don’t know the cost of elementary things. Most likely we will go to Halkidiki and we will take HB food. Please tell me how much bread, meat, cheese, dairy, fruits and drinking water cost in grocery stores in euro. And how much do taxis and buses cost?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
3 subscribers  • asked 2010-05-2315 years ago
Answers  •  2
аватар Natalia-MZT4
Good afternoon!!
The cost of food in supermarkets is approximately the same as in Moscow. naturally cheaper - it's vegetables and fruits. If you dine in a tavern, then on average 10-15 euros per person with hot, salad and drinks. When ordering a taxi from the hotel, they charge 2-3 euros for landing and plus an average of one euro for each km. Taxes increase by 1.5 or 2 times at night.
аватар Izabella1
Natalia, thanks for the information! The fact is that I don’t live in Russia, so I’m interested in the cost of products in euros.
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