1. Not located on a traffic road, like most of the hotels offered by Coral Travel, but on a hill, surrounded by rural nature, and with a magnificent view - even from the ground floor! - to the mountains and the sea.
2. Recommended for vacationers who lead a sedentary / hypodynamic life at home, as well as those who want to strengthen the front muscles of the thigh during the rest. The fact is that the road from the beach (village) of Ipsos to the hotel is a reasonably arranged natural simulator: at first, within 5-7 minutes, the traveler experiences a slight load on the cardiovascular and muscular systems (slope no more than 5 degrees), and under end, at the finish line (last hundred meters) - maximum (slope 15-20 degrees). The load is more effective if the spa visitor carries groceries from the supermarket and a large bottle of water. Sweating and with a pounding heart, the tourist immediately heads for the shower and comes out of it as if he had been born again.
On the ground floor (here the numbers starting with one) have excellent water pressure in the shower. Hot water - constantly.
4. Receptionists are always ready to help and advise - two in English, the third in Russian. They also never refuse to change the number - if there are no available rooms at the moment, it is recommended to apply the next day after 12 noon.
5. The breakfast assortment is quite consistent with the two-star position and is distinguished by an enviable constancy. Ham, cheese, scrambled eggs, beans, cottage cheese, honey, two types of jam, peach compote and even pancakes are guaranteed every day, and from drinks - drinking water, diluted orangeade, instant coffee and cocoa, milk, tea bags (1 type).
6. Those who live on the ground floor have a chance to enjoy the silence, since most of those who are settled here immediately and the next day change to the upper floors, from where they have a better view of the area. Those who remain sleep in silence.
The presence of talkative neighbors from the side-top-bottom, on any floor, guarantees insomnia.
7. The ground floor is the coolest during the day.
8. WiFi even in the rooms!
1. Absolute audibility despite partitions. Therefore, of the neighbors, Russians are preferable, who are talkative only after drinking. All other nations (there are no Scandinavians here, and there are very few Germans) are distinguished by indefatigable talkativeness and loudness of voices, regardless of the degree of sobriety. Greeks, Italians and British predominate among them.
2. The ground floor (not everywhere) goes directly to one of the parking lots, which is filled during the tourist season.
3. On the ground floor, it is sometimes very noisy if a tourist bus drives into the asphalt area in front of the balcony to turn around. It is also very noisy if a group of tourists from Romania decides to set tables right on the designated site and feast there until 12 at night, filling the air with laughter and screams.
Poor breakfast and lack of proper coffee.
5. Paid air conditioners
6. The presence of only 4-5 channels on antediluvian TV - boring Greek and sports.
7. Mosquitoes on all floors (their access can be sharply limited if the blinds are not opened in the evening and the curtains are drawn.
8. These blinds have narrow slots through which air enters, but if you sleep with the blinds closed, the air may seem small.
9. Narrow beds with rather hard mattresses.
10. Toilets on which you need to sit diagonally, because otherwise your knees will rest against the wall of the shower stall.
11. On the ground floor in the bathroom, strange and loud sounds are possible, reminiscent of a waterfall eruption or throwing stones into an empty well. But you can get used to them, as well as to ...(see next paragraph).
12. Singing refrigerator in room 105 (the room itself is not so bad). After each automatic switching on, the refrigerator makes strange sounds that are not inherent in this device.
The electrical sockets in the rooms function even after you have left by removing the key from a special socket; only the light is turned off. It is important if you left something to charge. Of course, the refrigerator continues to work.