Aldemar Royal Mare Suites 5*– Reviews

Rating 9.010
based on
3 reviews
10.0 Rooms
10.0 Service
10.0 Cleanliness
9.0 Food
9.3 Amenities
This spa hotel is located on the north coast of Crete, next to the beach. Included in the hotel complex Aldemar Royal Mare & Thalasso and in the top ten thalassotherapy centers in the world. A wide range of services, including the famous SPA-center and tennis club Aldemar. The main philosophy of the hotel is to provide guests with all the conditions related to a healthy lifestyle: everything that contributes to achieving harmony with nature and restoring mental and physical strength. The hotel is suitable for any category of tourists.More →
аватар madden4
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 10.0
At the beginning of May there was an opportunity to go on vacation. Without thinking twice, we chose Crete, we already rested on the island last year in Rethymno, this time we decided to choose the eastern part and relax at the Aldemar Royal Mare & Thalasso hotel. The territory of the hotel is very beautiful, everything is well-groomed and tidy. … More ▾ At the beginning of May there was an opportunity to go on vacation. Without thinking twice, we chose Crete, we already rested on the island last year in Rethymno, this time we decided to choose the eastern part and relax at the Aldemar Royal Mare & Thalasso hotel. The territory of the hotel is very beautiful, everything is well-groomed and tidy. The room is excellent - we had access to a private pool. Good service staff, especially Dora and Alyona. The only thing that was missing was animation, we have two children: 4 and 6 years old, so they lacked games, although of course the hotel has a playground and a kids club, and even a big ship for children, but, nevertheless, for entertainment, we also went to the neighboring hotel Aldemar Cretan Village, where the animation program is aimed more at children. I would also like to note the cuisine: a good choice for both breakfast and dinner (we had half board), for lunch in the snack bar there were always seafood and a large selection of sweets.
In early May, the weather was cool and sometimes cloudy, in the evenings we walked in warm sweaters. So we decided to go on a couple of excursions. For the children, they chose an excursion to the cave of Zeus, where the kids rode donkeys (there was no limit to the joy), they made vases in a pottery workshop, they also went to the zoo, fed deer and goats. We also swam to Spinalonga (fortunately, the weather was sunny that day) - an excellent boat trip, absolutely not tiring. We took a lot of photos, got a lot of impressions.
By the way, I also took a couple of procedures in the spa center of the hotel, I really liked it, I took body peeling, facial treatments and massage.
So rest your body and soul.
аватар Itula
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 7.0
Hello! I'm talking about the hotel, being here now. The hotel is chic, beautiful and very green. Food is good, lots of food to choose from. The rooms are large and very comfortable. The room has a bath, shower, bidet. The service is excellent. But now about the beach and the sea!! ! The beach is small pebbles, almost sand. … More ▾ Hello! I'm talking about the hotel, being here now. The hotel is chic, beautiful and very green. Food is good, lots of food to choose from. The rooms are large and very comfortable. The room has a bath, shower, bidet. The service is excellent. But now about the beach and the sea!! ! The beach is small pebbles, almost sand. There are enough beds for everyone. Sea HORROR!! ! It was stormy for a whole week, and it ALWAYS storms around this hotel. There are huge stones in the water, during the waves you can break your legs. Having paid a lot of money for the hotel, I had to go to the neighboring beach, to which it takes about 20 minutes to go uphill, then downhill and swim there. And pay another 3 euros for an umbrella and sunbed. It is impossible for children to swim in the sea. Only strong-built men can swim, and even then not far. Therefore - either you go to a hotel and swim in the pool (I never understood this, with other things) or choose another hotel. I am no longer happy with either the number or the service, I want to swim and swim in the sea, but I have to just lie on the beach and admire this sea. Or walk in the heat and look for other beaches. I have never had such a vacation, but for a lot of money : (
аватар nastya1292
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 10.0
We rested in Crete at the AldemarRoyalMare & Thalasso hotel. The hotel was recommended by managers from the Season 5 Travel Club, they said that the hotel would suit us very well and we would not regret it, and indeed, we were very satisfied. Thanks to them for their advice. As it turned out, the hotel is very famous for its Thalasso Center "Royal Mare Thalasso". … More ▾ We rested in Crete at the AldemarRoyalMare & Thalasso hotel. The hotel was recommended by managers from the Season 5 Travel Club, they said that the hotel would suit us very well and we would not regret it, and indeed, we were very satisfied. Thanks to them for their advice. As it turned out, the hotel is very famous for its Thalasso Center "Royal Mare Thalasso". The center has developed unique thalassotherapy programs, individual dietary and cosmetic programs. This is a hotel for those who care about their health in conditions of beauty, comfort and luxury. As a SPA lover, I was satisfied with all the procedures, the specialists are really high-class. Pleased with the huge area of ​ ​ the hotel, with a large variety of plantings and pools. The exit from the room was directly to the pool, very convenient, you don’t have to go anywhere, although the sea is also at hand, with the hotel’s own sand and pebble beach. The rest turned out to be calm, not overloaded with entertainment, completely rested from the bustle of Moscow, work. The memories are the best!! ! Girls, do not forget about your beauty and youth, such procedures will not hurt you!! !

avatar legistmail2011
My family is going on half board (breakfast and dinner), family of friends - all inclusive, what are we going to eat in different places? Will we be allowed into bars? And about the children, as I understood for them, food in the kids club almost all day, is it for all the children or for a fee? Thanks
10 years ago  •  4 subscribers 6 answers
Representative hotels
Aquarium Aquamir
Rating 9.0
Greece, Heraklion
Entertainment, Museums, Nature

Этот спа-отель расположен на северном побережье Крита, рядом с пляжем. Входит в гостиничный комплекс Aldemar Royal Mare & Thalasso и в десятку лучших центров талассотерапии в мире. Широкий спектр услуг, включая знаменитый SPA-центр и теннисный клуб Aldemar. Главная философия отеля – предоставить гостям все условия, имеющие отношение к здоровому образу жизни: все то, что способствует достижению гармонии с природой и восстановлению душевных и физических сил. Отель подходит для любой категории туристов.

Location Отель находится в деревушке Анисарас, в 2 км от города Херсониссос, в 25 км от города Ираклион и в 40 км от города Агиос Николаос. Регулярное автобусное сообщение с г. Ираклион и Агиос Николаос.
Description of the beach При отеле, песчано-галечный. Лежаки и зонты — бесплатно. Пляжные полотенца – бесплатно. Аниссарас – необыкновенно красивое критское побережье с чистым морем и песчаными ухоженными пляжами. Район Аниссарас находится всего в двух километрах к западу от города Херсониссос. Практически каждый из участков побережья Аниссарас подходит для купания, так как пляжи, практически все идеально ухожены.
  • 1st line
  • private beach
  • sand and pebble beach
  • sun loungers  FREE 
  • umbrellas  FREE 
  • beach towels
In a hotel

2 открытых бассейна с пресной водой, 2 конференц-зала, магазины, 4 бара, 4 ресторана, пиццерия. В ресторане изысканной кухни Candia подают лучшие блюда средиземноморской и критской кухни. В таверне El Greco представлен широкий выбор свежеприготовленных блюд местной кухни. В пляжном ресторане-баре Albatros сервируют разнообразные рыбные блюда.

  • restaurant
  • A la carte restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • indoor pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • business center
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • facilities for people with disabilities
  • transfer to/from the airport
  • late check-out
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
  • kids club
  • children's menu in the restaurant
  • children's chairs in the restaurant
  • cot  FREE 
  • nanny
Entertainment and sports Центр Талассотерапии «Royal Mare Thalasso & SPA» (4000 кв.м) является одним из 10 лучших центров талассотерапии в мире, награжден знаком «World’s Leading Thalasso & SPA Resort» в 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 годах (World Travel Awards). 2 стола для пинг-понга, 7 профессиональных кортов с земляным покрытием и 4 теннисных корта с кварцевым покрытием. На курорте есть известный спа-центр, теннисный клуб Aldemar, тренажерный зал и широкий выбор объектов для отдыха и спорта.
  • tennis court
  • gym
  • water activities
  • disco club  FREE 
  • animation
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Отель состоит из основного здания и комплекса бунгало разной этажности. Всего 392 номера и 43 сьюта.

In the rooms

терраса / балкон, кондиционер, Wi-Fi: бесплатно, душ, фен, минибар, DVD-плеер, CD-плеер, телефон, холодильник, набор для кофе и чая, сейф в номере,

  • bath / shower
  • hair dryer
  • slippers and bathrobe
  • $
  • safe  FREE 
  • air conditioner
  • cable/satellite TV
  • phone
  • internet wi-fi  FREE 
  • fridge
  • balcony/terrace
  • jacuzzi (not in all rooms)
  • swimming pool (not in all rooms)
The address Крит, 700 14, Лименас Херсонису
Phones: +30 28970 27200
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 1-й пляжной линии. У отеля собственный песчано-галечный пляж. Пляжные полотенца в отеле (бесплатно).
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Вы можете прекрасно провести время за игрой в теннис. Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал. В отеле есть водные развлечения. О том чтобы Вы ни минуты не скучали позаботится анимация. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями. Чтобы взрослые могли отдохнуть, детей каждый день развлекает детский клуб. В ресторане есть отдельное детское меню или зона с детским питанием. Детские стульчики для кормления Ваших малышей всегда под рукой. Если Вам нужна помощь по уходу за ребенком, вы можете заказать услуги няни.