Questions about Sharm el-SheikhExcursions

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Is it possible to get to Petra from Sharma by rented car?
2 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
It is unprofitable to take excursions from the hotel. What agencies can you recommend for trips to Cairo, visits to nature reserves, etc.?
3 years ago  •  13 subscribers 14 answers
We had a trip: we left at 11:45, arrived at 20:00, had dinner on a ship on the Nile and in the morning a museum with pyramids. Is it possible to find this now or have the format of the trip changed?
3 years ago  •  8 subscribers 6 answers
I heard in some firms the cars are dead, stink, stall, flow. Somewhere they carry without helmets. Interesting recommendations on the highest quality firms. Thanks.
4 years ago  •  7 subscribers 4 answers
They offered a video with processing and music. accompaniment on excursions. The operator filmed us all the time and offered us a CD for $10, which was delivered to the hotel the next day. Upon arrival home, the disk does not open, writes full, but 0 MB. Scam?
5 years ago  •  10 subscribers 12 answers
Greetings Yesterday, all over Sharm El-Sheikh, excursions to Israel from "street" excursion agencies were canceled ((( As I was explained, "at the initiative of the Israeli host." Moreover, the Israeli side announced the cancellation at the last moment, already when tourists in Sharm were waiting for buses near their hotels. The official explanation from the Israeli host company is "because of the weather". However, the tour was not canceled for the tour operators, people calmly left. The reason "bad weather" - in my opinion, just an excuse. Perhaps the tour operators set the condition for the Israeli host company to stop working with tour agencies that knock down prices for an excursion to Israel. I'm worried if the next scheduled trip will take place on Monday. Hope so... If anyone has information on this issue, please share. Who has any ideas?
5 years ago  •  12 subscribers 9 answers
Hello! Can you please tell me how much the bathyscaphe, diving and safari cost this year? Where is the best place to take these tours? And is it worth it? We will have a rest from July 23 to July 30 at the Royal Albatros Moderna hotel
6 years ago  •  10 subscribers 11 answers
We are amateurs, but we want to see a Good reef! Last trip we took an excursion to the "VIP yacht" ((((((
6 years ago  •  12 subscribers 15 answers
Thanks in advance to everyone. Competitors, do not write.
6 years ago  •  10 subscribers 10 answers
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