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Who came across the service of video filming on a quad bike safari? Were there any problems with the video on the disc? Or is this another scam?
They offered a video with processing and music. accompaniment on excursions. The operator filmed us all the time and offered us a CD for $10, which was delivered to the hotel the next day. Upon arrival home, the disk does not open, writes full, but 0 MB. Scam?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2019-11-135 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар mindguru
Only those who allow themselves to be bred are bred - in this case for money.
аватар Alex714
I have never bought discs, especially since this is the last century, now DVD drives are not in every computer and you can’t check it on the spot.
From experience, I bought the footage only once, and it was a pity for the operator when they rented a yacht for a company - they celebrated the DR, and as they usually do, an operator is assigned to each yacht, who shoots all the time, and at the end starts to hover discs with pictures. In short he asked for 15 bucks per disc from each pair, and only their pictures for each pair, so that they would not buy one disc for the company. Everyone was frostbitten, since they themselves filmed on their devices. Then he asked for 10 bucks for a disk. I went to negotiate with him, suggested - we chip off 5 bucks per pair, we don’t need disks, but you will throw it on our flash card (there were spare cameras for the action), it was just a pity for the dude, it seemed like we were talking normally all day, he tried at least no one did not ask and warned that we will not buy, and so at least something will work. That horn rested. Well, I did not persuade anyone.
аватар Alex714
He wandered around - the girls tried to persuade, and an hour before the end of the walk he came up to me and agreed - dumped it on a USB flash drive, put it into the phone, looked that everything was opening, and then paid, and in the evening in the room on the laptop they multiplied it by flash phones for the whole company. As they say "day money in the evening chairs", "just business" (c)
аватар Aramich78
The experience was this September. The offer started at $50 on a disc and ended at $20 on a flash drive, with the flash drive included in the price. Shooting honestly so-so. Purely for the sake of remembrance. Traded as they say to the bitter end. )))
аватар Tonel
They took it a year ago. Agreed for $20 for 1 disc for two families. No complaints, everything is ok. Photos and videos were of both families. The quality is not Hollywood, but we did not count on more. True, they promised to bring the disk to the reception by 10 tomorrow, but they brought it the day after tomorrow.
In your case, most likely an unintentional technical error occurred.
It's a shame...
аватар Tonel
Perhaps it is worth "conjuring" the computer master over the disk and pulling out the video ...
аватар Alex714
"Perhaps it's worth "conjuring" the computer master over the disk and pulling out the video ..." - if the "burning of the disc" passed with errors, then nothing can be done with it, it happens if an error occurred during the burning process or a low-quality disc.
аватар zaeugene
Most likely it's just that the disc was either bad or badly recorded.
If there is an operator’s phone or who sold the video to you there, then write to them in viber / whatsapp. Maybe the record has not yet been deleted and will be thrown somewhere in the cloud.
аватар taran_natala
Once in my life I was "led" to buy a disc from an excursion, although absolutely all my friends who had previously bought discs (from different excursions from different videographers) categorically did not advise. As a result, the video "blind tyap-blunder" with us is not of high quality and does not carry a special semantic load. Just threw money away. I bought a camera, downloaded the program for editing, I do it myself. A 5-minute video takes several hours, but this is quality.
аватар Wiland
Ask for the quality right away, sometimes they shoot in VGA (or immediately look at the quality on his laptop and control that he writes at min speed and read from the disk, or we were unlucky. Everything that I photographed and all the video is poured onto the disk. The disks were compared, they were the same, although he said that there would be a photo for everyone (a swindler).The disc was read, but it was hard to find a "live" DVD, it was read only upon arrival on a new computer.Pay the money at the end of the check, otherwise it immediately loses interest and writes a blunder on a quick
аватар Veter.Peremen-Nadezhda.Kurganskaya
I don't think it's a "scam". It's just that the level of filming, editing and, accordingly, the final product (video) on excursions in Egypt is quite low. They are usually done, to put it mildly, by non-professionals.
So, perhaps, it was just "crookedly" recorded. If you really need this video, contact a computer service - they may be able to copy the information from your disk.
аватар Kapitanpereira
No, not a scam, but normal Egyptian gouging. The Egyptian simply didn't check the disk after recording, but he failed, that's all. No one will deceive you on purpose, but be aware that locals are filming, with rare exceptions, with low quality and for unnecessarily large money. Anyone who has experienced this will confirm this.
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