Собираемся в январе, берем с собой гидрокостюмы, можно ли после заплыва оставить их сушиться (не украдут), а самим пойти перекусить. Да, где и чем, в период между основными приемами пищи?
We are going in January, we take wetsuits with us, is it possible to leave them to dry after the swim (they won’t steal them), and go and have a snack ourselves. Yes, where and with what, in the period between the main meals?
We are going in January, we take wetsuits with us, is it possible to leave them to dry after the swim (they won’t steal them), and go and have a snack ourselves. Yes, where and with what, in the period between the main meals?
4 subscribers •
2015-08-1210 years ago