Questions about Sultan Gardens Resort 5*shopping

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Please tell me. Where can you find a supermarket or shop near this hotel. To buy all sorts of goodies for beer, such as chips and other things, as well as water, cola for whiskey, etc. FROM
7 years ago  •  6 subscribers 4 answers
Tell me how much a taxi costs from the hotel to Naama Bay, are there markets or fruit shops near the hotel, thank you in advance for your answer.
8 years ago  •  8 subscribers 7 answers
Somewhere I read that in Egypt there is good cotton, towels, terry bathrobes. True, you can buy how much it costs, and where to go from my hotel. I think to bring my mother and mother-in-law as souvenirs, in addition to magnets.
14 years ago  •  6 subscribers 10 answers
What are the current prices in pounds on average for: - T-shirts - women's T-shirts/tunics/dresses - inexpensive papyrus (you can fake :) - snorkel and mask - swimwear
15 years ago  •  6 subscribers 9 answers
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