Question about hotel Siva Sharm Resort & Spa 4*

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the food is normal in the hotel and indeed everywhere in the restaurant there is a queue
the food at the hotel is what and there are queues in restaurants are there a lot of vegetables and fruits
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5 subscribers  • asked 2010-03-2115 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар papa74
The food is normal. There may or may not be queues (it all depends on the number of vacationers and the countries from which they came.
Vegetables and fruits are.
аватар Amir1
When I was there, there were no queues. The food is normal, as for Egypt, but not the abundance of everything. The restaurant is more like a canteen, but in the evening you can sit on the terrace of the restaurant overlooking the sea and candles, beautiful and very romantic. There was little fruit, but it was June.
аватар Liiz
the queue is two people near the next dish. For example. if these two people "crowd" at the salads and prevent you from approaching, go to the next dish, and then return to the salads. Not a problem.
kicking according to the All inclusive system, the food is normal, varied food. fruit and vegetables of course. when I was resting, I could choose 3 types of fruit, but then I could take an additive if necessary)))
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