Question about hotel Siva Sharm Resort & Spa 4*

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Who recently had a rest in Siva Sharm (Egypt, Sharm) - share your impressions. Food, service, attitude (due to the number of tourists), but for some reason there are no fresh reviews.
Who recently had a rest in Siva Sharm (Egypt, Sharm) - share your impressions. Food, service, attitude (due to the number of tourists), but for some reason there are no fresh reviews.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2015-12-129 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Nusia
Recently tourist parhomenko20 returned from this hotel, here: - there is a short "fresh review", if you have any questions - ask him.
аватар chernov1946
Were in November everything is fine, see review
аватар alexiren2015
Were in November from 23 to 30. See review
аватар HotLine
Something with links. I will try and repeat
аватар orhideya21
Thank you. Probably due to weak signal issues, it's very hard to load this site :( keeps crashing.
аватар kvi2007
the site probably has some kind of technical work, the PM is buggy, the admin said on Monday they will eliminate it, and they also removed the country and city from the data of the site participants! ..., not the right decision, it seems to me!
аватар orhideya21
By the way, or rather, not by the way, again today it got cold decently :(
аватар admin
Sorry for the inconvenience!
The links in the answers have been corrected, the country and city have been returned to the mini-profile of the participants.
аватар kvi2007
absolutely correct decision about the return of cities and countries, otherwise it turned out to be some kind of continuous anonymous !! yes, and sort out the letters, you promised, now I looked, it doesn’t work as it should, but I can’t take a phone number from correspondence for a day.
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