Question about hotel Siva Sharm Resort & Spa 4*

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Related question «General issues»
we are flying together with my wife - write, get to know each other
from 10/17/2013 to 10/27/2013 we will be in this hotel, not against dating. Write - [email protected]
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
5 subscribers  • asked 2013-10-1011 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар 2643823
You have made a bad choice of the Hotel, take another
something not to regret
аватар dimdimysh
And now it makes sense to give such "advice" if the departure is in 6 days?
For TS. There are hundreds of Russian-speaking people in the hotel, you will meet there
аватар Pepper
2643823, sorry, what a stupid comment???
The hotel has an average score of 7.4 based on 181 reviews.
The hotel is more or less normal, that's understandable. All pros and cons, all problems and their solutions depend on specific situations. If you are "lucky" to meet a boor or find, for example, a cockroach somewhere, or just come on vacation with PMS, this does not mean that the hotel is bad and there is nothing to do there. It only means that you didn't like it there... But how many people, so many opinions.
аватар sigur62
I agree.
What is (or who is) PMS?
аватар Larisa_mek
Oh, they made me laugh :))))) PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome in a woman, from which the mood is below the baseboard and everything seems to be in black :)
аватар sigur62
Damn, what you just don’t learn on Turpravda)))
аватар sent2008
Problems related to PMS are yesterday. A competent doctor solves this with the help of certain drugs easily and simply.
I never thought that I would discuss all of the above on this forum. Almost under the table.
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