Question about hotel V Hotel Sharm El Sheikh 5*

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I was in Egypt, and I heard a lot about this hotel, as the staff speaks of Russians, that Russians are bad, that they ask Egyptians for sex for money, so the man from Accounting, his name is Mustafa, speaks very dirty about Russians, that we are dirty, like Such unworthy people work in this hotel.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
8 subscribers  • asked 2014-11-1810 years ago
Answers  •  17
The problem here is not only with the staff, the problem here is also with vacationers. There are girls coming here on vacation "fly off the coils." The problem is that having seen enough of such tear-offs and the attitude towards the rest remains bad. I live here for a long time and it took a long time to earn a reputation for myself. At first they were also treated with caution. What else would an accountant say to a tourist like that = you need to try to bring him like that. If you would report his words to the manager, he could say goodbye to his work. I can easily imagine a street vendor saying those words, but not a hotel worker.
аватар kolyan_cat
It seems to me, judging by the style / literacy of the letter, it was not written by a Russian-speaking person. It looks like a local who knows Russian. Besides, how could an ordinary Russian tourist (?) understand what the staff was talking about? Knows Egyptian, probably... :) Someone's petty revenge? :)
аватар Pachok
Well, author, do not ask for sex for money, and Mustafa from accounting will not speak ill of you. I have a problem too :)
аватар orhideya21
Tovarischch accountant thus subtly hinted at whom in this hotel you can get sex for money :))) And then some girls, you see, stick to the wrong ones and go home "unrested" :)))) Money for the tour is wasted :)) ))
аватар orhideya21
And that's why the question is titled "staff problems." They are already sitting without money even in the accounting department, of course, problems have begun for all the staff :)))))
аватар sent2008
I think the author is an ordinary troll.
Hi accountant Mustafa!
The author is definitely not an Egyptian, they don’t build our phrases like that, but in their own Arabic manner, so the Russian speaker unambiguously wrote. The question of how much she knows Russian is another topic)))))
And for many here it’s quite languid to look into the eyes, say a couple of compliments and “I love you” and all she is ready to follow him through life)))).
The point is probably that Mustafa offered her to pay for the night with him. And this is what happens here. Then the resentment is understandable. Freebie is an Arabic word, but we love it immensely))))))))))
A troll is not a troll ............. They had fun and okay)))))))))
And to be honest, there are decent Egyptians, in the full sense of the word, about 20%. The statistics are also not mine, but the Egyptians themselves. New guys come to Sharm and very quickly many change under the influence of the resort area unfortunately..........
аватар admin
The author writes from St. Petersburg.
аватар ulyanov3
let's punish this accountant and not go to this hotel and you will see that in 3-4 months neither this accountant nor this hotel will simply be this very thing, we will create a precedent for other hotels and we will be treated like human beings
аватар Pachok
ulyanov3, you are talking absolute nonsense :)))
ulyanov3 it's just not practical and absolutely unnecessary.
We will be treated like human beings if we do the same. You can’t get away from the tagil, but you don’t need to be equal to them.
аватар Adam-tour
Girls and women sell themselves. Personally, with a Polish woman, I witnessed how a Russian woman of about 40 sold herself for mangoes in the old city.
аватар Pachok
Ugh:) I thought it was the other way around: the phrase "they ask Egyptians for sex" implies that these lustful women pay for sex with Egyptians.
аватар elenako
Pachok, I think that everyone pays here - someone with a body, someone with a wallet. With the complete non-resistance of the parties.
I remember one of the first visits to Yegi. Then the guide once said at a meeting with tourists - Russian women all live without principles. A married couple (for the first time in Egi) asked for clarifications. He clarified. As a result, this couple decided not to buy excursions from him.
rgonzalez, people are all different, and how you behave, they will treat you the same way.
Pack you got it right. there are also such cases when women come over the age (over 60) and actually buy young guys for themselves. Usually these are wealthy Europeans and they buy guys for several years, usually paying for an apartment in Sharm after her death. If a woman looks nothing else, she can count on mango))))) Sometimes you wonder what women go to (I don’t specify nationality, I’ve seen enough of everything) to feel needed and loved. By the way, the Egyptians themselves admit that of all foreign women, Russians are the best wives, as well as the worst ones (meaning whoever gets it). Well, we do not have a golden mean))))
Funny, sure, but sad.
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