Accommodation scam...

Written: 30 november 2007
Travel time: 30 november — 7 december 2007
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Recently, they have been doing this with Tourists: upon arrival, they report that there are no free places in the hotel where you arrived. They offer you to move to another hotel, supposedly something even better.

Well, you understand why it will be the best: either they will feed terribly, or you will have to walk 2 km to the sea, or everything will fall apart in the rooms and the air conditioner will not work, or it will be full of insects in all the cracks. Or all of this combined...

In my case, the Nubian Hotel was replaced with the Jazz Mirabel.
To enter the sea it was necessary to overcome the barriers of poisonous hedgehogs for 1.5 - 2 km. I'm not joking - all this time (about 30-40 minutes) you had to walk in knee-deep water, constantly bypassing the colonies of hedgehogs (30-40 pieces in each).

And thanks for that: other tourists (exchanged impressions on the plane on the way back) sat in the lobby for 10 hours, and then they were sent anyway to another hotel, some were forced to pay extra (somewhere around $ 500).
In general, we had a great rest - and most importantly, looking at the contract, we saw the light:
THIS IS KIDALOV - prepared in advance. Somewhere in the last paragraphs (as a rule, none of the tourists look at them intently - IN vain! ) found a paragraph about a POSSIBLE replacement?

So instead of fish in the Red Sea, they admired two stinky camels. Their Bedouins parked there: they still think no one bathes - so let them at least take pictures on camels (for an additional fee). And camels are as healthy as elephants and all feces are for themselves. The scent for the whole beach.

So my advice is this: Do not sign without reading the contract, even if your wife works in this agency or you have taken tours there many times before (which was in our case).

Remember - Agencies are just pawns in the big game of the operator and do not mean anything in this game. If you notice the item ABOUT THE REPLACEMENT of the hotel - do not sign. Insist on deleting this item.
Then you can at least go to court and recover your losses. Learn from the mistakes of others and don't do stupid things.
Write to the soap if you have questions or suggestions ser_soroka@ukr. net
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