Questions about Domina Coral Bay Oasis 5*Places and entertainment

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We are going to Domino Oasis in January, how many pools will we have and how many of them are heated?
9 years ago  •  2 subscribers 1 answer
Interested specifically in the hotel complex Domina Coral Bay, there used to be under strict supervision and only on one side of the pontoon it was possible to swim, but they were not allowed to dive in masks, how is it now, tell me who was and knows ???
14 years ago  •  5 subscribers 9 answers
I've read the reviews and it's scary! They write that everything in Domino is peculiar - at the entrance to the restaurant - they mark whether they have already eaten or not, tea, coffee - for money, but what about drinking? And every year it gets worse and worse. Respond, who was there already this year!
15 years ago  •  7 subscribers 8 answers
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