Question about hotel Seti Sharm Resort 4*

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food quality and range
Thanks to everyone for the answers to my question. Now I'm already worried about the quality and assortment of dishes, as well as how to get drinking water, are there any coolers.
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4 subscribers  • asked 2010-03-1515 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар elenako
When we rested. We were not hungry, even taking half board. As for the coolers, they didn't exist at that time - 2 years ago. But there is a Metro store nearby, where drinking water is just heaps for your couple of pounds. In the store you can pay with a card.
аватар Amir1
I do not advise you to drink water from coolers. Who knows what's in there. Better to drink bottled water. It is delivered to your room every day or, as mentioned above, you can buy it at the supermarket.
аватар papa74
In order to "preserve" yourself from poor-quality food, I advise you to drink Pepsi-Fanta. Preservatives are poison, but in a week or two the damage to health is less than from poisoning.
About water, on tap ..
Tea in Egypt is mainly prepared by brewing a bag in boiling water. How to prepare boiling water, it’s better to take a closer look. in a container ... people immediately "brew" tea from it for lunch and breakfast ... fortunately the tea went so that it paints over even cold water.
I recommend taking (mostly) tea and coffee in bars, there is not such a flow of tourists and the likelihood of boiling water increases.
The best option is tea-coffee (or at least boiling water) from a coffee machine (the design of most has an internal boiler with boiling water), this is the unambiguous use of boiled water (tea-coffee)
аватар Anetka-gan
drinking water is brought to the room every day, on the day of check-in, in my opinion, 2 to 1.5 liters. food - if you are for a week, then it will suit you! yoghurts delight in the morning! well, you can eat on the beach, in recent days we didn’t go for lunch, we were on the beach all the time, there were either hamburgers with potatoes, or shawarma you could eat.
аватар elenako
And when were you in Seti Sharm?
Just when we were there, there was no talk of water in the room at all, but about hamburgers and shawarma on the beach, there was no place for this on the beach. Is that how they've changed? Hard to believe.
аватар Anetka-gan
there is a bar on the beach, and something like a mini-kitchen all hot at once! tables, all for tourists. maybe of course it was like that with water, I have no idea, we had All inclusive and a superior room. it was a year and a half ago. now they also built hills.
аватар olgashkileva
No problems either with water (daily 1.5l bottle of water in your room), or with food! Fresh pastries, donuts and pancakes, as well as scrambled eggs for breakfast, are fried in front of you! Very tasty cheeses such as Feta, dates, oranges, tangerines, cucumbers, tomatoes, ggoulash meat, grilled cutlets, etc. We have never been hungry, most likely you will gain 2-3 kg. But evening dresses and high-heeled sandals are unlikely to come in handy, you can safely leave them at home!
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