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Interested in the hotel and most importantly how to relax in mid-June. Very hot?
I want to go with a child 06/18/10 Is it worth it to go.
Thanks in advance.
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13 subscribers  • asked 2010-06-1515 years ago
Answers  •  64
аватар Zlata28
very hot
but thanks to the dry climate
the heat in Egypt is much easier to bear
than in the same Crimea or Turkey
аватар i.sharm
Have you decided on a hotel yet? It is difficult to advise, most likely all good hotels are in the foot. Focus on the age of the child. How important is the entrance to the sea on the sand?
You can go, use creams, drink more water. Swim more often, especially since the sea in Egypt is very interesting.
аватар elenako
I often read that the heat in Yegi is easier to bear than ...
And tell me please, how to get from the sunbeds to the sea, swim face down and not get burned? The sun has not been canceled by anyone, it fries with and without wind. -...degrees.
We rested at the beginning of June. For me, a bullet point has been put in this issue - in the summer in Yegi - never.
But this is for me, maybe someone does not pay attention to the effect of the sun at this time of the year on their beloved organism.
The right choice for you!
аватар Pachok
Well, yes, yes, in the summer to Africa ... People! Even if you are "not hot", then no one canceled solar activity! Moreover, I do not think that it is very useful for the people of Ukraine. Cancer centers are already overcrowded (pah-pah-pah, God forbid, of course)
аватар i.sharm
I will not enter into a debate, everything is purely individual. I rested in Sharm twice in the summer and both times I was very pleased, and well-chosen products helped me not to burn out and get an even, beautiful tan, which cannot be achieved in a solarium. In my opinion, solariums are the catalyst for all those terrible diseases that you are talking about.
Be friends with your head, do not try to get everything at once, gradually, gradually, gradually. Many tourists stay for 5-7 days, and then they think that everything, the adaptation has passed and stop using creams. Immediately we get the result in the form of a "firefly".
Of course, in summer it is preferable to go on vacation to Australia, South America and southern Africa, the sun is not so active there, winter is still :) And it is better to go to Sinai (which does not belong to Africa) at other times of the year.
аватар HotLine
Five years ago there were no charters to Egypt in the summer.
Now you can look at the schedule of the airport or the flights of any major operator and you will see dozens of flights every week to Sharm and Hurghada.
This is objective.
And I don't even want to discuss the above arguments. According to this logic, it is healthier and safer to stay at home and not go out at all. And winter is the healthiest season of the year.
аватар i.sharm
The husband read the comments and said: "Well, foolishly, you can break it and OH (you can't write like that)."
аватар miki08
This topic, to be honest, has become. If a person does not believe that he can earn melanoma, well, this is his right, and it is useful to dissuade him without. It was we who were taught in Soviet schools what the equator is, what the tropics are, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays. If you are a white Slav, then you have no protection from the sun. The cream can save you from a burn, but not from skin cancer! When you swim, water drops form on your skin, and these are lenses! A T-shirt or shirt does not save the whole body, it’s not for nothing that the pros swim only in wetsuits, in water with a temperature of 35 degrees. What does foolish mean? In Egypt, you still need to try to find a shadow, you just left the room, no matter how hard you try, you are constantly under the sun. It is very good to rest there only from September to the end of April, then the risk zone, but someone is lucky, and everything is in order, but unfortunately the number of cases is growing like an avalanche. The choice is yours, but you always have to think so that you don’t regret it later.
аватар Pachok
Friends, it is your right to travel in the summer and manage your own health as you please. Just do not need to convince everyone else that this is good and right. It is generally better to stutter about the number of charters, I already wrote that earlier in the summer the Savoy was 250 dollars a week. Why's that? BUT nothing will frighten our people, they go in the summer, but what about the operators? go - you have to sell, get your profit.
"In my opinion, solariums are the catalyst for all those terrible diseases that you are talking about." I think you are kidding me :(
аватар jabetta
I will add my "five cents" about the solarium, it has already been proven that the solarium is much more harmful than the most active sun, only there are more and more solariums and they are not idle. So you have an indicator of what our people think about, about health?
аватар HotLine
Try to be objective. Well, where does the angle of incidence of rays in Egypt? As if you can't stand perpendicular to them on any beach in the world? As if with the same tan color, where exactly did you get it?
The sun and tan must be treated correctly everywhere, including the solarium.
And I did not understand the remark about Savoy. How does this affect the harmfulness of traveling to Egypt in the summer?
аватар elenako
---as if you can't stand perpendicular to them on any beach--
Laughed ....
Of course, everyone decides for himself whether it is a solarium, a beach in incredible heat, no matter where - in Turkey, Egypt, the Crimea, or at any other resort.
I support miki08.
Don't be a grilled chicken.
A sensible approach to your vacation.
аватар miki08
The course of the USSR secondary school in Geography, the closer to the equator the angle between the sun's ray and the earth's surface approaches the angle of 90 degrees, that is, to the perpendicular. That is, the minimum layer of the atmosphere, and the maximum radiation of the entire spectrum of light. It is no secret that it was the atmosphere of the earth and its ozone layer that made it possible for the emergence of protein life, and the farther to the extreme North or South, the more the rays scatter in the atmosphere
аватар Izabella1
On this site, in the "Answers and Questions" section, it seems that this section is called this topic is described in great detail. Read it.
аватар i.sharm
I may now say a few common truths, but still.
It is not desirable to be in the sun from 12 to 15 hours to minimize exposure to the sun at its zenith.
Disease-causing factors are ultraviolet and the intensity of its exposure. Creams protect against ultraviolet radiation. The intensity of exposure to the sun, even at 12 noon in Egypt, cannot be compared with any solarium.
To go or not to go is the right of everyone's choice, and scarecrows like "do not go to Africa for a walk children" annoy me. Especially the parallels, if you go, you will get sick. Any trip is stressful for the body, but the beneficial effect of a change of scenery, positive emotions is much stronger. It is necessary to warn about the negative aspects, explain how to avoid them. You don't need to be scared.
аватар i.sharm
By the way, this topic is also about choosing a hotel.
What does a travel agent offer you?
аватар HotLine
Finally, you move on to objective arguments. Those. the thickness of the atmosphere through which a ray of sunlight passes in Egypt is less than, for example, in Turkey. Now remember the geometry course from high school and try to figure out the difference in this distance. Hurghada is approximately 28 degrees north latitude and Antalya is 37 degrees. I figured the difference is within 10 percent. Those. 30 minutes less on the beach in Egypt and will be the same as in Turkey in terms of activity, etc.
аватар miki08
From the Scientific Site - Protective creams and products are not used to keep you in the sun for a long time. These products do not prevent melanoma, they only reduce the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet rays. From the personal experience of Odessa on the Black Sea, we are at least until 10 o'clock, but it is possible after 16 o'clock, but in Egypt it is not allowed to swim in the sea in the evenings in the evening because of the living creatures, which
comes ashore to feed. I already wrote whether to go or not to go is a personal matter for everyone, but I feel very sorry for the children whose adults put them in mortal danger.
аватар miki08
And I didn’t advise Turkey to anyone. Just an explanation from a scientific point of view why it is not desirable for people with white skin to be in these latitudes in the summer.
аватар Pachok
"And I did not understand the remark about Savoy. How does this affect the harmfulness of trips to Egypt in the summer?"
Yes, what is clearer - July is OFF-SEASON for Egypt because of the wild heat and the intensity of the sun. As in any off-season, hotels reduced the cost of living. But figurines! Our people taught the Egyptians that the season is all year round in Egypt :) And they are not fools to refuse what floats into their hands.
I’ll tell dear i.sharm that I just came from the market, people buy blueberries and chanterelles in Kyiv, collected in Polissya and Zhytomyr region, and, apparently, they are even going to eat them. It's not my business? Not mine! But I honestly think these people are fools. They probably don’t have any urgent need to eat radioactive chanterelles. How to go exactly to Egypt in July.
Some still smoke and feed the children with french fries. There are such phenomena, so now everyone should take an example from unsound people?
аватар i.sharm
"The disease-causing factors are ultraviolet and the intensity of its exposure."
"...they only reduce the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet rays."
what's wrong? Any exposure to ultraviolet radiation provokes the disease, sunscreens reduce the intensity of exposure.
In Egypt, swimming is not allowed in the evening because of the living creatures, and the ban takes effect after sunset. In summer, the sun sets around 7:30 pm. After five o'clock the sun is gentle, the wind subsides on the sea - my favorite time, 2 hours of absolute nirvana.
аватар miki08
i.sharm-for you personally, read this for example, and for everyone else- Tan means that you are already protected
People with darker skin color are less likely to get cancer. However, tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Re-sunbathing injures the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer by 20%.
аватар i.sharm
Dear Pachok, what did you do in the market, what did you buy, will you really eat it. Of course, this is not my business, but in products bought on the market, grown in our own garden, the nitrate content exceeds all conceivable and unimaginable norms due to uncontrolled soil fertilization. It's none of my business, but I'm just warning you.
I don't think we're talking about that. Once again, the task of the forum is not to scare, but to warn. A properly organized vacation is absolutely safe, and you can find out how to do it right on the forum.
аватар miki08
The phrase there sounds exactly like this - These funds do not prevent melanoma, they only reduce the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet rays. All doctors unanimously say that sunscreen does not save melanoma!
аватар i.sharm
miki08 thanks for the link, I took the factors provoking the onset of the disease from there. And when I read, I try to understand the meaning of what I read, and several conclusions can be drawn from the article "4 most common misconceptions about skin cancer":
- it is necessary to protect yourself from the effects of ultraviolet radiation always and everywhere, in cloudy weather and at any latitudes, since this effect has a cumulative effect. That is, defending ourselves in the south, we receive a lower dose of radiation while being unprotected in the north. This follows from paragraphs 1, 2, 4 of the article.
- point 3 is not entirely correct, because it is not explained that different ranges of sunlight are responsible for sunburn and melanoma provocation. The UVB dapozone is responsible for tanning (causes the formation of melonin), and the UVA range is a risk factor for the disease. Tanned skin is not damaged, namely tanned, which allows you to stay in the sun longer without burning, but does not protect against UVA rays.
Appropriately labeled clothing and products protect against the UVA range.
And now a tip: when buying a cream, pay attention to UVA protection and use protection products ALL THE TIME of the holiday, regardless of the degree of sunburn.
аватар miki08
Thanks for the advice I'll take it into account. An adult person, if he has intelligence and ingenuity, can and will be able to save himself in Egypt in the summer, but having the experience of raising two children and living in Odessa, I just know that you can’t drive a child away from the coastline of the sea by any force, you won’t force him to lie next to you under a canopy or under the trees. The fact is that the northern territories are very green, and the plants absorb the rays, photosynthesis is shorter, and in swimming trunks you don’t run the midge for a long time, however. The sea surface and sand on the turnover reflect very strongly. But again, this is physics. I really love the Red Sea very much, and I think it is probably the cleanest on earth, and Egypt is still the most affordable resort, but I am deeply convinced that only September to May, especially with children.
аватар Pachok
"September to May only, especially with children."
"the content of nitrates exceeds all conceivable and unimaginable norms due to uncontrolled fertilization of the soil"
Those. You propose to add radionuclides and heavy metals to nitrates, which cannot be avoided, which can be avoided. Am I understanding you correctly?
And, by the way, a person who really cares about his health knows when and what vegetables and berries to buy so that the risk of running into a glut of nitrogen fertilizers is minimal.
аватар i.sharm
"... That is, you offer nitrates, which cannot be avoided ..."
Firstly, subject to agricultural technology, the amount of nitrates is at a level that is not hazardous to health.
Secondly, I'm not suggesting, I'm warning - this is the main task of the forum. Forewarned is forearmed. And I didn’t say that “let’s have a snack with radionuclides every day,” I don’t have it.
Let's finally help the person with the hotel, although, in my opinion, we have already intimidated everyone so much that yurij0511 (who started the topic) does not even turn on the computer, and even entering the Internet is like death (viruses, trojans). KIDDING.
аватар i.sharm
I'll joke again
"September to May only, especially with children."
This is in addition to the dollar price.
Just don't beat me, I know that the best prices are in early December, late January. It's just a joke.
аватар Pachok
"This is a plus for the price in dollars. "
Now this already looks like true motives :) In my life I will not believe that with the same cost and the opportunity to take a vacation at any time, someone would prefer to go to Egypt in July, and not, say, in April or October.
"subject to agricultural technology, the amount of nitrates is at a level that is not hazardous to health"
I know it.
"I warn you - this is the main task of the forum"
So I warn you :) It is very hot and there is a lot of solar activity.
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