Question about hotel Continental Garden Reef Resort 5*

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Where is the best place to stay in a hotel?
Tell me where is it better to live on the territory of the hotel and how much $$$$ do you need for the reception?
Thanks in advance!
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5 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-2015 years ago
Answers  •  11
аватар tata57
Hello. We rested in this hotel in November 2008. We lived in building 5. For some reason, tourists from Russia and Ukraine are accommodated starting from this building. offered money at the reception desk, because there were 9 of us. Try to offer 20 bucks and ask for 1-4 corps. Good luck and enjoy your stay.
аватар Nezit
Thank you
аватар tashia
The buildings go in tiers - 1,2,3,4,5 (the level of the reception and the main restaurant). 6 and 7 near the upper pool and amphitheater (there are discos and music is booming). The scheme will be immediately given upon check-in, they will offer to choose a building and give time to think.
аватар 291280
Hello, we rested with a friend on 04/04/10 in this hotel for the first time, I want to say that we (Russians) spoiled them, you can give $ 10.20))) we got a $ 5 room next to the restaurant. no sea view rooms).
аватар kaktus08
we were accommodated in building 7, no extra charge - standard room - buildings 5-6-7-8
In terms of location, 5-6 buildings (initial numbers 01-05) are ideal in terms of location, not far from the sea and restaurants. (this is if there are no surcharges)
We were offered a room with a sea view - for a week - 70-100 USD. But there are also disadvantages, there may be a strong wind from the sea and it is far to walk to the dining room. 1 case is not recommended. A beautiful view opens from 3-4 buildings.
numbering system: 7110 (for example)
7 - building
1 - just an additional number (or the designation of the 1st floor)
10 - room number in the building
аватар Darcy
We lived in 1 on the second floor a year ago - just super. No wind, no people and noise in front of your eyes.
The first floors - one large bed, the second - two separate
аватар Yaro4ka
What kind of nonsense? we lived in 5 on the 2nd floor-double bed! floors and beds are not connected ;))
аватар Darcy
in your building it was like this - in ours it was like that
аватар kaktus08
In family rooms - 2 double bed.
аватар Darcy
listen to what we are arguing about, the rooms are standard, I was with my son - I needed separate beds, a married couple - one, I wanted a second floor - they too, but there was no one bed on the 2nd floor in this building
the question was where better
someone liked it at 5 near the pool as in a hostel, we at 1 on the beach
аватар Yaro4ka
but no one argues. it seems everyone spoke out based on personal experience :))
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