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I was instructed to buy tickets to Egypt. On the recommendation of the travel agency, I looked at the photo and description of the MinaMark Beach Resort 4 stars hotel. The description bribed: a sandy private beach, special shoes are not required, located in the center of Hurghada. Booked a tour. Gave $2700 for 3 adults and one 13 year old. And only after that I began to thoroughly study the reviews. And I was scared (((I have a panic ((( They are afraid of poor nutrition and poisoning, they are afraid of fragments of bricks, stones, etc. when entering the water, they are afraid of settling in a hotel in rooms (they are described as creepy, small, with poor lighting and some kind of pipes outside the window or noise that does not stop not for a minute) It will be my first time in Egypt. Previously, they rested only in Poland and Bulgaria. And on the South Coast. calm me down please
14 years ago  •  12 subscribers 16 answers
we fly out on December 4 for the first time. Is it possible to swim at this time in the sea? not cold?
14 years ago  •  4 subscribers 3 answers
I’m going at the end of September. Please tell me what clothes to take, where it’s better to sign up for excursions, How much to give a “tip” for a room with a good view?? If it’s all inclusive, do I need to eat somewhere else? take with you??????????
15 years ago  •  6 subscribers 7 answers
Tell me, please, this season which of the hotels to choose for a youth company, so that the price and quality match.
16 years ago  •  4 subscribers 4 answers
Tell me, what is the entrance to the sea (Minamark hotel), do you need special shoes, you can buy them on the spot. Regarding the beach, do I need to take sunbeds in the shade early in the morning?
16 years ago  •  3 subscribers 3 answers
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