Question about hotel Blend Club Aqua Resort 4*

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Related question «General issues»
How stupid are they at the hotel?
What are the nuances of the Egyptian service can be found in the hotel?
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5 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-0914 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар grace18
Stupid question... No one is fooling anyone... Just be careful not to break or beat anything. Otherwise you will have to pay for it!
аватар vainona
On my trip, the Arabs in fraud were not noticed. Tour operators themselves say that coins - 10 kopecks are issued for 1 ruble. But I have not experienced this personally. You can buy goods by haggling or in fixed price stores. This is also your choice. In fact, they are all born sellers. They say a lot of good and forest words. The main thing for them is to sell. And the goods themselves are not always of good quality.
аватар Zlata28
I do not know what you mean by these nuances in the hotel
but outside of hotels you can often encounter
markets, supermarkets
either they give change incorrectly, or they come up with a "cunning" course
so you need to keep your "ear in sharp focus"
аватар akylova
In principle, they don’t fool around in hotels, because they try to keep the brand so to speak !!!! the only thing we noticed (and we were already 4 times in Egypt) when exchanging money they give iron pounds (like our kopecks) and so, these pieces of iron do not want take nowhere (only papers are taken), but nonetheless, these pennies give during the exchange
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