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05 October 2010 Travel time: with 01 June 2008 on 01 July 2008
Reputation: +115
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As I wrote before, we traveled around Algeria for three years. In this album I want to convey the life of Algeria, people and traditions.

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Верхом на лошади
Национальное творчество
Болельщики алжирского футбола
В парке
Востояная алжирская красавица
Вспомним детсвто, прокатимся на саночках :)
Зинедин Зидан - алжирец, известный футболист
Чайная церемония
Алжирцы такие разные - белые, черные, красные :)
Дети в традиционных костюмах
Есть и любители Металлики :)
Дети наше будущее
На свадьбе
О чем задумалась красавица?..
Алжирские красавицы! Показ мод
На горнолыжном курорте
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аватар DegusT

Why didn't you find it? just click on Algiers.
Look here..

Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 12:26
аватар DegusT
DegusT Marseille is practically Alzh. city... they are all so sure of this... that they often compare their capital with Marseilles. So what, these are these ... who lives abroad? Or sends children there to study? why all this blizzard???

Wed, 13 Oct 2010, 11:13
аватар gali-gol

You can, of course, apply for a visa. You just need to carefully prepare for the trip and it is desirable to have acquaintances of Algerians in the country. Or, in extreme cases, compatriots who live there. Well, be prepared for the fact that not everything there is as rosy as in beautiful photographs.

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 15:32
аватар DegusT

Exactly! It's good that there are people who understand the essence of the problem from a half-word. rnIt's not enough to have acquaintances with Algerians, one must have adequate and preferably cosmopolitan acquaintances. How exactly it is not rosy look at This is a shooting of the Algerians themselves, without exaggeration.

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 17:33
аватар DegusT

Look, it's entertaining, it's a pity we didn't see this before the trip. .com/Postcard.Cartepostale/ALGERIA3#

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 17:56