I would like to write, or rather refute, some LEGENDS about Algeria.
First: it is not a Muslim, but a democratic republic. This means that the law is the constitution, not sharia. Therefore, it is in Algeria that no one will force you (women) to wear a hijab (veil) and a headscarf! Most of the female population of Algeria does not wear a veil!
Second: there is no terrorism and violence there! Not! And there is no war and no martial law! From here - movement in Algeria is absolutely safe even for women! Another thing is that it is unlikely that a European woman will go alone for the first time to unexplored Algeria. Also, police officers are standing and driving everywhere all over Algeria, but this does not mean that it is bad! This means that the country is very well guarded in order to prevent those very tracts that, for example, in Russia occur very, very often.
The police themselves are very polite and helped us (tourists) more than once to find the way or call, for example, etc.
And third: Algeria is a tourist country, there are simply few "our" tourists there. Ours are all in Egypt, Turkey and the Emirates.
So don't be afraid - come to Algiers!