Think 100 times before applying for a visa!!

08 April 2010 Travel time: with 02 august 2008 on 28 august 2008
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I read so much, saw so many photos and videos about Algeria and could not think that this was just a publicity stunt. There is no tourism in Algeria and will not be in the next 10 years. Well, of course, in the sense of organized tourism, which is in neighboring Morocco and Tunisia. Until now, the situation in the country resembles a semi-military, semi-revolutionary, semi-semi... not stable. If at first glance it seems that everything is easy and simple, it is enough to dress appropriately, to speak at least French or, in extreme cases, English, and then the troubles of tourists in a new country will disappear by themselves - this is a deep delusion. Get ready to pay a lot of money for the lowest standard of living. Unfortunately, there is no truthful information on Russian-language sites, I advise you to read the realities on German or French ones. The most frequent reports are: foreign tourists have disappeared without a trace, troops, gendarmerie and foreign special forces cannot find any traces. Search terminated! Alas. . . My mini photo gallery is on this site.

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аватар DegusT

Why didn't you find it? just click on Algiers.
Look here..

Sat, 10 Apr 2010, 12:26
аватар DegusT
DegusT Marseille is practically Alzh. city... they are all so sure of this... that they often compare their capital with Marseilles. So what, these are these ... who lives abroad? Or sends children there to study? why all this blizzard???

Wed, 13 Oct 2010, 11:13
аватар gali-gol

You can, of course, apply for a visa. You just need to carefully prepare for the trip and it is desirable to have acquaintances of Algerians in the country. Or, in extreme cases, compatriots who live there. Well, be prepared for the fact that not everything there is as rosy as in beautiful photographs.

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 15:32
аватар DegusT

Exactly! It's good that there are people who understand the essence of the problem from a half-word. rnIt's not enough to have acquaintances with Algerians, one must have adequate and preferably cosmopolitan acquaintances. How exactly it is not rosy look at This is a shooting of the Algerians themselves, without exaggeration.

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 17:33
аватар DegusT

Look, it's entertaining, it's a pity we didn't see this before the trip. .com/Postcard.Cartepostale/ALGERIA3#

Mon, 03 Jan 2011, 17:56