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Related question «Documents and borders»
Where to get a certificate of permission to cross the border after the credit court
Tell me where to go to see the lists of debtors ... if the loan is paid, the arrest is partially lifted. And there was a court on the loan. Is it possible to cross the border (Europe incl.)
These are customs, court, tax, bank. ??? Thanks.
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8 subscribers  • asked 2010-03-1915 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Amir1
most likely this is a question for the service that executes the court decision, I don’t know what it is called in Russia, in our country it is the “vikonavcha service”. There you can get a certificate stating that all disputes in the debt case have been resolved. Plus the decision of the court. I think so.
аватар tolikk1974
This question can be answered at passport control, if you are on the black list and you have resolved your credit issues in court, then they will give you a certificate in court. But there is one "but" it is easy to add to the lists, but you will be removed it’s not easy !!!!! They won’t show you the lists, they don’t have the right !!!! The court must send its decision to the border troops, for you to go abroad ...
аватар natglvk
Thanks Amir and Tolik. By the way, I forgot to write, I'm from Ukraine. So I understand that getting there is easy, but how not to "get" by paying the normal amount for the tour .. let's say so ... at the border. So I ask people, maybe someone knows who, God forbid, has been in such a situation - after all, the loan is closed - where to turn for an "answer" .. for help or how to write it correctly. I myself am from Cherkassy, ​​but I don’t know what to do or go to Kyiv to the border or what to do ... ??? :(
аватар tolikk1974
You need to find a familiar border guard who, according to your data, could get you through the passport control base, and then think about a tour abroad, !!!
аватар natglvk
Kaneshno thank you so much for the advice Tolik .. But is this a joke? What if there isn't one...? That people never owe the banks, never go abroad after that? Not everyone just has friends. You can simply take a bank confirmation of the repayment of the loan. True, they will rest on the border .. and even though the grass does not grow .... (they will say, maybe your friends in banks ...)
So everything is gone.
аватар HotLine
Border guards (not tax, not customs, etc.) are checking for a travel ban. There are in the database, according to which bans were received - they do not release them, if they are not in the database - they release them. The border guard in the booth will not understand the reasons for the ban or new decisions to lift the ban. He looks only at the base. And then will issue a certificate on the reasons for the refusal at your request.
The ban can be lifted by the same body that imposed it - the court, the executive service, the social service, etc. After the president's decree on measures of something there, the procedure became more complicated. Nobody really knows her now.
How to find out if you are in the database - call the Derzhkordon hotline (there is one - look on their website) and they will tell you where to turn. I think that the lifting of the ban will be your problem if this action was not separately prescribed in the court decision.
аватар natglvk
Thanks for the comments. ... in every letter I see for myself not comforting moments if I change my surname and passport?
аватар Len_ka
A month ago, two people from our group were forced to stay in Ukraine for this very reason. The ban on leaving was not lifted in the base - the border was crossed on Saturday. The bank does not work, the executive service too ... There was a court decision to lift the travel ban, but it did not help.
My advice about calling Dergecordon's hotline is very reasonable. At least IMHO it's worth starting with.
аватар papa_mom
Has anyone called Dergecordon and received information regarding the list?
thank you in advance. weighs a loan unpaid
аватар bag-s
To obtain information about the presence of you in the list of debtors, write a written request to the "ADMINISTRATION OF STATE BORDER SERVICE St. Volodymyrska, 26 Kyiv 01601 " in any form with personal data. for 2 weeks to a month at your home. address you will receive a written answer as to whether you are on the list of debtors. Good luck.
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