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Who can help in the search at the Address in Olomouc, Yakoubka street from Stribra-76, my first love lived there, whom I met while doing military service in this city in 1971-1973, and when I started to dream, I was already looking for a few years and for this I bought a computer and connected the Internet in which I am learning to work. Who can get on this street and ask NUT VERA if she is even alive? Thank you in advance. With respect to all who will respond to my request!
15 years ago  •  3 subscribers 2 answers
I am addressing YOU with a very big request, namely: In 1971-1973 I did military service in OLOMOUTS. There, on the sports campus in 1972, I met a girl GAYKOVA VERA. She worked as a bookbinder in some factory or printing house, and lived on the street. Yakoubka from Stribr - 76. And I fell in love with her, we met there secretly, but the special services did not allow us to get married. I have been looking for several years, as if such a street does not exist. Please help at the specified address to find out if there is my first LOVE? With respect to YOU ​​Tarasenko Petr Alekseevich!
15 years ago  •  4 subscribers 8 answers