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Is it possible to cancel the tour due to the swine flu epidemic?
Tell me, please, is it possible to refuse a bus tour to Europe due to the swine flu epidemic. The tour is paid, we are going on December 18, we have already submitted all the documents for obtaining a visa. And then the unexpected happened - a progressive influenza epidemic. Maybe someone knows, if we cancel the tour, how much money will we lose? Can this reason be accepted as force majeure?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2009-11-0115 years ago
Answers  •  27
аватар korsarcb
This question needs to be clarified with your tour operator, Will he return the money to you if the borders are not closed due to the epidemic
аватар HotLine
Much depends on the wording of force majeure in your contract. Correctly worded, an epidemic should be considered force majeure, which releases the parties from obligations without penalties. But in your case there is a nuance. Force majeure cannot be an epidemic in the country of departure - it is not an "insurmountable obstacle" to travel. Another thing is if the borders for exit are closed for citizens of Ukraine or an epidemic is declared in the Czech Republic. But this is not yet.
It's formal.
And informally - I do not understand the reasons for your fears. On the contrary, while the flu seems to be raging in Ukraine, you need to go to more prosperous countries. The Czech Republic went through this tantrum in May.
аватар aquarel
I agree with Hotline.
You can always refuse, but the money for the tour will not be returned to you. There are no barriers to leaving the country.
аватар 1ean
The term force majeure is understood as circumstances that cannot be prevented by any highly professional actions of the personnel. Epidemics are one such circumstance. The presence of force majeure circumstances may serve as a basis for unilateral termination of the contract, even if your contract does not contain a special reference to such. Notify the tour operator (travel agent) of your intention, preferably in writing. And remember that if your contract does not stipulate the terms for the fulfillment of obligations (for example, a refund), then in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 530 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, you have the right to demand the fulfillment of obligations at any time. And the debtor is obliged to fulfill the debt within seven days from the date of presentation of the demand.
аватар Janny25
The most adequate information about the sensational flu!
Read and do not succumb to artificially induced panic!
аватар korsarcb
If this "adequate information" is adequately perceived by the governments of Poland and Slovakia
аватар Janny25
korsarcb, do you think the doctor is wrong?
аватар korsarcb
Dear, I am not competent enough to be a judge in this matter.
Time will tell how the situation will develop and how neighboring states will act.
In our city - České Budějovice, 16 students recently went to Munich on an exchange trip for a few days. 6 of them fell ill with this flu after the trip (the analysis confirmed), they turned gray for a week at home, received treatment and now they go to study. There was no excitement, This was reported immediately as soon as it happened. it was not hidden here and there were no queues in pharmacies.
this is just for information. That's where the flu happens.
аватар korsarcb
Počet obětí chřipky na Ukrajině vzrostl na sedmašedesát, z toho 22 lidí podlehlo takzvané prasečí chřipce. Česko zatím kvůli epidemii na Ukrajině, kde onemocnělo už přes čtvrt milionu lidí, zvláštní opatření nepřijme. Naopak Slovensko, které s Ukrajinou sousedí, zpřísní režim na hranicích.
аватар korsarcb
Polsko vyhlásilo zostřený režim na hranici s Ukrajinou už koncem minulého týdne. Cestující kontrolují kromě celníků i lékaři, napsal polský list Gazeta Wyborcza.
аватар Janny25
dear, korsarcb, through the word, of course, you can make out something, but maybe you will translate it for the Russian-speaking population?
аватар korsarcb
I'm sorry, the essence is this, The first message (with today's changes) Slovakia, bordering with Ukraine, will introduce a stricter regime at the border (today it was reported that the Slovaks banned the sole pedestrian crossing of the border. Slovakia is not recommended to travel to Ukraine)
The second message is that Poland, already at the end of last week, introduced a tougher hygienic decision at the border crossings with Ukraine, in both cases, people who are warmed up for any flu will not be allowed to cross the border.
аватар Janny25
Well, they don’t close the borders, and thanks for that :)
аватар korsarcb
No, the border is not closed, but hygiene checks everyone,
аватар lusienka
Thanks everyone for discussing the issue. The media has caught up with so much fear that the brains no longer understand what to do. Let's take a risk that it will not be avoided.
аватар Svetik_
Good afternoon! Today, the topic is very relevant, I sort of already decided on a hotel, I was going to book a tour, but this epidemic scared me, while I’m thinking whether it’s worth going, it’s also scary that the borders will be closed and that in case of such a situation the money will not be returned. I think I'm not the only one who is going to Europe for the New Year.
аватар korsarcb
Quite right, Do not be afraid and go, Noise is really, much more than reality.
Moreover, good Czech beer, and also Fernet, are the best medicines for colds and flu. On and after a long walk around Prague, a glass of hot grog will warm your soul and body
аватар kievlanka
If I were you, I would definitely go. Why panic? we know how, here in Ukraine. Inflate the panic to incredible proportions ... And you look, you will go to Europe, unwind there, calm down, "infect" only with good emotions and a keen desire to return there before leaving ... It is much calmer there, the doctors are more competent, the treatment is better (this, just in case :) but I think this will not happen). The most important thing is your attitude. That's how you want it to be! Good luck and happy holidays!
аватар Svetik_
Thank you all very much for your support :) :) :)
аватар vika_best
The same situation. They canceled the trip. We got 30 euros in change :) Decide for yourself.
аватар aquarel
Vika, is it really that serious?
Plus, the epidemic is over...
аватар korsarcb
Everything is very relative - you can get infected anywhere. If you're destined, you can't get away from it. Moreover, there is no epidemic in the Czech Republic, so go and do not be afraid - beer and fernet are the best medicine. And refusing to travel - it was a big stupidity. The possibility of contracting the flu in Ukraine is ten times greater than in the Czech Republic.
аватар vika_best
I'll explain the situation. We sent our daughter on November 2 (according to the program they have a day - a tour of Lviv). We decided not to risk it.
аватар vika_best
There is a check at the border and if you have at least some sign of the disease, you will not be allowed to enter the flu area.
At the expense of beer-nonsense !!!
It is better to drink grog, which is sold with the onset of cold weather, in Prague on every corner.
аватар korsarcb
I wouldn't risk it with Leo.
аватар Svetik_
I don’t have the opportunity to refuse, because the fine prescribed in the contract is 100%, due to the high season, I will hope that the borders will not be closed ...
аватар aquarel
I wouldn't mind anyway :)
I myself have a lot of trips on my nose right now .... well, I go to the subway with bandages, I drink vitamins .... let others think what they want, but when I cross the borders, I won’t have signs of colds / flu :)
And you can sit out the tour in Lviv in one of the cozy Lviv cafes :) A beautiful city, but what can you do, see you next time ....
If the borders are closed by another state - another matter - I think the money will be returned in full.
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