How to save on a trip to Japan. Part four

26 June 2015 Travel time: with 30 April 2015 on 04 May 2015
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… and BREAD

Transcarpathian cuisine can be described simply: very tasty and filling, but very spicy. And there is a chic confectioner, and she is so beautiful that it amazes even such sweethearts as me.

In Mukachevo, it is best to eat a lot of something sweet in the confectionery Bondarenko.

Easy to find: walk through the Peace Square to the end, near the monument to M. Muncachi (his bust is somewhat resembled a bust of Karl Marx), turn left into the passage. And on the left we are looking for the figure of a chef with a cake topped with cherries:

Prices in the range of 10-20 hryvnia (! ). This is a sweet paradise, yeah : ).

Another good impression was left by the inn "Tsymbor" (Mukachevo, corner of Dukhnovycha Street and Kupalna Street, 2a).

PiSi: tsimbor (Transcarpathian.

) - friend, friend:

Here for the first time faced with incomprehensible in the menu: as if both letters are familiar, and words, and it is impossible to understand anything. Well, who would have guessed that trampled potatoes are mashed potatoes, and some unknown gooseberries are just potato pancakes.

Uzhhorod gastronomic impressions began in the "Comoros" (Uzhhorod, 23 Korzo Street):

Imagine yourself frozen and hungry. Come, so, such and such, order and wait. And - yes-dammm! - here it is, the coveted Happiness:

Carefully remove the still hot, porous inside, which smells like freshly baked bread "lid", and under it:

And another local cheese:

this is not a soft pickled cheese from the market. This is such a specific curd, ground with a lot of salt in a ratio, as it seemed to me, 1:1. Very tasty, but very salty.

However, what to say, lunch in Transcarpathia is a feast. But all this wonderful spicy and plentiful food is a little unusual for our brother, and in a couple of days he usually dreams of some light, not so rich soup, because the native liver "jumps" to the side and asks: "Don't eat, huh? ! ! »

Well, what kind of trip to Transcarpathia without local wine? People, if, while in Uzhgorod at a wine festival, you suddenly see the cherished inscription:

Know that by buying this magical drink and drinking it, you will find harmony and lost life balance. You can't describe this wine in words, you have to drink it, not even that, not like that, you have to eat it.

It is incredible, light, pleasant, with a wonderful aftertaste. And the scent! . .

However, ragweed, heavenly manna, euphoric euphoria - that's what wine is. We bought 5 liters, and we were terribly sorry that so few (only three got home, the rest were consumed in Uzhgorod and Rivne). And if you still saw the faces of the guys, this wonderful drink is created! Yes, I have their photos, but they both (apparently a godfather and another godfather) categorically objected to publicity. Even for a moment I don't assume that they read "TP" (simply because creating such wine, it is impossible to think of anything else), but once I promised not to hand over "residency" - I keep my word.

Summary: To paraphrase a famous winged expression, I will say that the fun in Transcarpathia is to eat and drink. Tasty, plentiful, small. And there is no doubt about environmentally friendly products.

But still, if you are not in good health - you do not need to feel your body strong and unrestrained to indulge in gastronomic revelry. Moderation is our motto.

Although the question of drinking is more complicated, it is clear.


On the day of departure, the sun shone especially dazzlingly, and I did not want to go at all:

Nevertheless, we had breakfast, thanked the hospitable "Oaks"

and set off.

Jumped into souvenir markets several times along the road like mushrooms after rain:

Especially for cat lovers (and where else without them):

Everything, here is the border of Zakarpattia and Lviv regions:

They ate white mushroom soup in the roadside cafe "Krapka" (Ukrainian point):

As an avid dog girl, I immediately found a new girlfriend named Ruta (Ruta is such a red Carpathian flower. Still, they sang about "red Ruta, don't look in the evenings ... "):

She remembered her red monster, left at home under reliable supervision, but still:

And still do not want to leave Transcarpathia!

And just like that,

I missed every time,

What is the beauty of cherry blossoms

Not drunk enough,

But nothing compares

With my sadness tonight.

Arivara Narihira

Finally we go on a good road, with normal speed: Uzhhorod-Skole-Stryi-Lviv-Brody-Rivne:

Coffee break,

Internet + phone = agree on an overnight stay in your favorite Rivne "Horseshoe"

And in the morning further on the road Rivne-Zhytomyr-Berdychiv, and now my homeland can be seen in the distance:

Many thanks to everyone who read, reviewed and commented. Special thanks to the administrators of TP - it became so convenient to insert a story with pictures that straight hands itch and write and take pictures!

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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