"Lubomorye" stands just in the place where the river "Belbek" flows into the sea

I have already left comments about the Lyubomorye complex.
But here's something else I want to draw the attention of vacationers there.
Complex "Lubomorye" stands just in the place where the river "Belbek" flows into the sea!
Surely not many vacationers spending their holidays in Lyubimovka thought about how the Belbek River affects the ecological situation on the beaches in the vicinity of the resort village of Lyubimovka. After all, it is near Lyubimovka that the waters of Belbek merge with the waters of the Black Sea.
The other day, A. Andriyashevsky, head of the communal hygiene department of the SES of the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, spoke about this. In his opinion, Belbek is "a time bomb that can suddenly provoke epidemic diseases in the region. "
A quote from A. Andriyashevsky's speech on the air of the Sevastopol RGTRK (close to the text):
“The Belbek River is a serious source of pollution. The reason for this is that the sewage waters of economic entities located on the banks of the Belbek freely enter the river. The most problematic are the sewerage facilities of the villages of Dalnee and Verkhnesadovoye. These facilities are only formally treatment facilities. In reality, in the vicinity of these villages, wastewater treatment is not carried out, sewage flows into the river, and from there into the Black Sea. ”
A. Andriyashevsky also said that at present the sanitary and epidemiological service of the city is monitoring and laboratory control of the state of water in the delta of the Belbek River. Based on the results of observations, the SES staff concluded that now the pollution of sea water in the vicinity of Lyubimovka is above the norm. But thanks to the self-cleaning properties of the sea, the ecological situation is relatively stable... For the time being, for the time being.
It should be noted that the problem of pollution of the waters of the Belbek River was repeatedly submitted by the sanitary and epidemiological service for consideration to higher authorities. But the solution to this problem is constantly delayed. The reason is simple - lack of funds.
Look at the map. The confluence point is located right at the location of the Lyubomorye complex (i. e. its beach). If you climb the mountain, you can clearly see the turbidity flowing into the sea, how it spreads and changes the color of sea water.