Sevastopol terrarium - Animal park

We want to share our experience! On the May holidays, the hero of Sevastopol went to the city, I really wanted to see Putin))), and the parade promised to be unforgettably great. There were a lot of people, there were 6 ships, the mega air show was beautiful, but not enough, but that’s not all that impressed us in Sevastopol, after the parade we decided to take a walk to the panorama, and there, near the Ferris wheel, we found the Sevastopol terrarium, or Animal Park, in which housed 4 or 5 halls, in the form of caves. The kids and I were absolutely delighted! There is a fountain in the first hall, various birds in the second, a third hall with free-flying parrots that sit on their heads, another hall with a large turtle and crocodiles, snakes, pythons, monitor lizards, they even have kangaroos. But what to tell, see the photo))) Have a good rest everyone.