Хотим с женой отдохнуть в Крыму. Хотелось бы помимо пляжа поездить по интересным местам. На своей машине ехать не хочу. Кто в курсе, как обстоят дела сейчас с арендой авто в Крыму?
We want to rest in the Crimea with my wife. In addition to the beach, I would like to travel to interesting places. I don't want to drive my car. Who knows how things are now with car rental in Crimea?
We want to rest in the Crimea with my wife. In addition to the beach, I would like to travel to interesting places. I don't want to drive my car. Who knows how things are now with car rental in Crimea?
5 subscribers •
2016-07-189 years ago