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Rest in Sevastopol
We want to go to Sevastopol in July with small children (under 2 years old)! Tell me where it is better to stay (I read a lot about Uchkuevka, Balaklava, Lyubomorye) I can’t decide. I would like fewer people on the beach, where the beaches are cleaner and preferably with small pebbles and sand, housing is not very expensive and the road to the beach is not in the mountains (it will be difficult to overcome any obstacles with children). Well, in the evening you could take a walk along the embankment .... Please advise!
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2 subscribers  • asked 2011-06-0914 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар KarolinaNik
In Balaklava and Sevastopol you will find the embankment.
But in Sevastopol, the sea is dirty (densely populated city beaches).
In Balaklava, housing is expensive, although there is an embankment, it’s boring there in the evening, everything is dying out - this is not Yalta. The sea is very clean, azure! We love this place. But to get to the beaches of Silver or Golden, you need to go through the mountains by trail or boat. Both beaches are pebbly, with not small pebbles. It's hard for kids.
I would advise Uchkuevka -
1) you can easily get to the center of Sevastopol by a cheap city boat,
2) the beach is sandy (!)
3) housing prices are average. Unfortunately, I can't recommend anything specific. We lived in Sevastopol and went to swim in Uchkuevka.
4) what else I liked - a good market with fruits, the assortment is better than in Sevastopol.
аватар ZenitFan
with such small children it is probably better to go to Evpatoria ....
аватар IaroslaviSHna
malen1, It's hard to advise something unambiguously. Evpatoria for children of 2 years is the most it. And there is also a waterfront. With regard to Sevas, one can agree with colleagues. Sandy beaches - Uchkuevka and Lyubimovka (there is a guest house "Lubomorye" in it). But entertainment, you know, like a bar. Is that to try to "view" the North side. In May we were again in Sevastopol. We are actually two adults. Yes, the beaches in the city leave much to be desired, to put it mildly. Everything was self-organized. We were very satisfied.) Housing, what to visit, how to get there, where to eat, etc. Questions were looked at on a good site "Guests of Sevastopol". Responsive moderator and patriot of his native city Alexander will answer any question.)
аватар IaroslaviSHna
Good day.) I am answering your letter. Alas, I have never personally been to Uchkuevka or Orlovka. I have an idea only from the stories of acquaintances with children. We are somehow more in Sevastopol itself. About him, handsome remembered. In 2009, they rented an apartment from a young lady on Geroev Stalingrada Street in the Omega Beach area. Typical sandy beach. In September it was clean. Not far from the house there is a large market, shops. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the city center by bus.
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