В июле мы с мужем хотим поехать к родителям в Крым из Украины, если мы возьмем с собой внучку 7-ми лет (в Крыму прабабушки ее) и будет доверенность от родителей, ее с нами пропустят?
In July, my husband and I want to go to our parents in the Crimea from Ukraine, if we take with us a 7-year-old granddaughter (her great-grandmother in Crimea) and there is a power of attorney from her parents, will she be allowed to go with us?
In July, my husband and I want to go to our parents in the Crimea from Ukraine, if we take with us a 7-year-old granddaughter (her great-grandmother in Crimea) and there is a power of attorney from her parents, will she be allowed to go with us?
7 subscribers •
2021-06-164 years ago