rest in Nikolvevka

Written: 20 august 2012
Travel time: 6 — 19 august 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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I rested with my husband in Nikolaevka from 08/06/2012 to 08/17/2012. The village is dirty, the central beaches are not cleaned. "to" Gornyak "and a wild beach behind them... Apparently these places are visited less often, so the beaches are cleaner and more well-groomed . . I do not advise anyone to settle in the direction of Coastal Street, especially with the owners on Fedorov... There is one thing on the Internet....On the other hand!!! ! There are bars on the windows. like in prison . . They say the 1st line... But it's about 10 minutes to the sea. and the center is about 30 minutes . . a taxi costs 30 UAH !!! ! There is no road as such. there are no trees, no grass... They took us to Fedorov !!! !
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