Question about boarding house Ai-Todor-Iug 3*

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Is it true that your elevator works until 22-00 and it is only up to the 5th floor?
If so, is there a price difference between lower and upper floor rooms?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2012-03-1013 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар Alla__
Anything can happen in Crimea, even the operation of elevators on schedule ((((
аватар AnnaXoxlova
This is not a secret, in my opinion there is even information about this on the hotel website. By the way, the rooms on the 6th floor with new furniture and fresh renovation, good plumbing. Therefore, you have to choose: either the elevator until 22:00 and one staircase on foot and a good comfortable room, or all other rooms and the elevator also until 22:00.
Cozy double rooms are decorated with great taste, have an individual design solution and create a wonderful atmosphere for a romantic getaway for lovers, newlyweds, families with children, as well as cheerful friendly companies who love to sit at the same table in the fresh air under the southern greenery.. Phone: + 38 066 3749964 , +38 066 3749963
аватар heiley
in fact, this is not a problem) we lived on the 6th floor, and it was not difficult to climb another floor. but the rooms are better
аватар lena.esmir
Good afternoon! Our elevator works around the clock and goes to the last floor.
аватар AnnaXoxlova
Heiley, I absolutely agree with you!
аватар pingvin36
Yes, it’s not such a big problem there whether the elevator works or not, I often went up after 22 to the 4th floor, and nothing, I’m alive. If a person is not disabled, does not move on crutches or a wheelchair, the elevator in Ai-Todor does not make any difference. Shaking fat is always helpful.
аватар lena.esmir
Elevators in our hotel always work and go to the last floor.
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