"Kulevchanskoye miracle"

03 June 2021 Travel time: with 29 May 2021 on 29 May 2021
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The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and sometimes heading to very ordinary and inconspicuous places, you can find yourself in unusual and amazing corners, so amazing that at first you don’t even believe your eyes. It is such a corner that hid under the crowns of trees in the village of Kulevcha, on the lands of Bessarabia, where, full of miracles, St. Nicholas Church is located.

You can't see it right away, and only when you get closer, you notice how a paradise grows in front of you.

The doors of the temple are always open for parishioners.

Once in it, there is a feeling that you are in paradise. Or maybe it is like that… From the bustle and bustle of the city to the unhurried world… And here real miracles happen… The shrines in the temple begin to stream myrrh during the service, as if showing the parishioners the power of faith. Scientific evidence of these miracles is confirmed, but not explained in any way. Experts come from all over the country to study the origin of the incredible transformations, journalists shoot reports, skeptics call this action a hoax, expressing a lot of all sorts of conjectures. In general, there are many guesses, but, alas, there is not enough knowledge. And in order to see for myself what is really happening there, I went on a pilgrimage tour, which I called “Obvious. Incredible.

At the entrance to the temple there is a Worship Cross. It is one of four worship crosses erected on all sides of Ukraine with the blessing of the elders. The Kulevchansky cross is the foot, the peak is located in Chernobyl, another cross is located in Stary Pochaev, and one near Kharkov, at the site of the collapse of the imperial train. Interestingly, if you connect all these settlements on the map of Ukraine with straight lines, you get the correct Orthodox cross.

So, we are all in a hurry for miracles. . .

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is called the biggest "Kulevchansky miracle".

On Easter, it is decorated with fresh lilies, which, having dried up, soon sprout again and bloom on Trinity, framing the face of the Mother of God. It is interesting that the flowers grow and bloom right inside the icon case without soil and water. This phenomenon is observed only in Greece on the island of Kefolon. Scientists from the Odessa Botanical Garden tried to understand this process, but as a result they only shrugged their shoulders, recognizing that lily shoots really form on completely dry stems. At the same time, they frame the icon in such a way that the face of the Mother of God always remains open. And recently this icon began to cry. During the liturgy, the glass near the lips of the Mother of God sometimes fogs up, and moisture appears near the eyes. Water droplets last for about two days, and then dry out in half an hour.

It is strange that all these miracles began quite recently, because the temple is ancient, built by the Bulgarians, with more than a century of history. Why did a miracle happen only ten years ago? At first, the icon of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia suddenly began to stream myrrh. Then everything stopped, but other icons began to stream myrrh - the martyrs Barbara, Catherine, Prince Vladimir.

And half a year later, a new miracle happened - in the center of the temple, the Calvary cross began to stream myrrh. And it still oozes. Moreover, it is plentiful only on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, when there is a service. And on Monday the streams dry up. I was in the temple on Saturday, and I can personally confirm that the cross of Golgotha ​ ​ is streaming with myrrh. I looked at him for a very long time, just knelt in front of him and prayed.

Criminalists also did not ignore the ancient shrine. After a thorough analysis, the specialists of the Odessa Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination made an official conclusion: the trickles on the icon are “an organic oily substance, the origin of which is impossible to establish. ”

Scientists have also studied the Bleeding icon of the Iberian Mother of God, where under the kiot on the face of the Virgin there are spots that look like blood. Spectrograms were made, and... another miracle! The spectrograms converged, i. e. myrrh and blood have a similar composition. In general, the experts could not find a clear explanation for what was happening, but they also did not dare to accuse Father Pavel of deceit. I don’t think that a simple rural confessor has super powers, and he doesn’t look like David Copperfield either. All the time while I was listening to the priest and looking at the miraculous icons, a feeling of absolute peace did not leave me. I assume that the temple was built in a place where a powerful energy force is concentrated, this is the only way I can explain the phenomena that are taking place. It is possible that the high humidity of the air contributes to the accumulation of organic substances necessary for the growth of lilies and the appearance of myrrh. Or maybe it really is a miracle!

Here's how, for example, to explain the imprint of the icon of the Healer Panteleimon and George the Victorious on ordinary glass? This icon hung in the temple for a long time and was covered with a glass shield from the outside. They decided to restore the icon, and when the protective frame was removed, they were incredibly surprised, since the faces of the saints were clearly imprinted on the glass, as if a negative on photographic film.

For all pilgrims, Father Pavel must also bring out the bleeding Iberian icon of the Mother of God and the fragrant Kasperov icon. All parishioners take turns kissing this shrine and inhaling the aroma coming from there. I joined the sacrament in this way, and I, inhaling a bitter-spicy smell with an admixture of vanilla. At the same time, the priest advises not to rush, to linger in front of the icon and with humility, faith and hope, ask for help from the Lord and the Mother of God.

Another wonderful relic has great healing power - the icon of the Savior not made by hands. In an incredible way, according to the parishioners, they receive healing from illnesses, which can be read in the Book, located in the temple. It contains many records of what miracles of healing happened to people. But that's the way man is. He just needs to believe in something. Among our pilgrims was a doctor who brought ten of her wards with her. She claimed that doctors noted the healing of terminally ill people who turned to the temple for God's help, but they could not give a scientific justification. But it is possible that the parishioners of the temple and deeply believing people do not need any evidence, they simply believe in a miracle happening before their eyes. I don’t know, and I’m not saying anything, because each of us has our own life path with our own problems and troubles. But, probably, under no circumstances should one lose faith, hope and love!

Not far from Kulevcha, in the suburbs of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, there is a unique spring and font of John Sochavsky.

In the unique underground church, there is an inexhaustible spring of healing water. the church above it.

There is also a font nearby, in which everyone can wash their body and soul. To do this, you need to plunge headlong into ice water three times, while the water temperature is only +4 degrees. I don’t make friends with such cold water at all, so I didn’t plunge into the font. Everyone who performed this ceremony unanimously claimed that they were not cold at all, on the contrary, the water seems to burn you, and then it becomes very hot. Don't know. I watched a picture of how one mother tried to put her two children into this font. So these kids were squealing as if they were being torn to pieces. For me, this is too much!

According to legend, in the 14th century there was just a stone well in this place, near which the Orthodox Ivan Sochavsky, who refused to accept the Muslim faith, was brutally tortured and then killed. However, after death, his body remained incorruptible. And the place where they found him, i. e. the well from which he took water was considered sacred. And for many centuries now, pilgrims have been coming here to take a sip of healing moisture and plunge into the font, cleansing not only their body, but also their soul.

I don’t want to convince anyone of anything, dissuade anyone, prove something, let alone argue. Everyone has their own faith. I just wanted to tell you about one more, in its own way, unusual corner of Ukraine. And to each of you say "Save and save! ". May their angels and the great power of the universe protect everyone!

From the cycle of stories "Amazing Ukraine".

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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